Uav / Drone Lidar Build
Hello freelancers, I'm seeking a Lidar expert who is familiar with aerial applications ( drone / UAV / UAS ). Specifically, I need someone to help me build a turnkey solution, or consult me on buying a turnkey solution. Please, you absolutely must have a very deep understanding of aerial lidar as I will be asking you very technical questions. When bidding, so I know that you read this, you must describe your understanding of lidar to be considered.
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Write Isi Journal In Electrical Engineering Telecommunication Field
I wrote proposal on my thesis and the title is : "Resource allocation in communications-radar co-existent networks". Most of the work to be done is about convex and non-convex optimization problems. The researcher needs to be familiar with MIMO radar systems, communication systems, numerical optimization algorithms. A sample optimization problem is attached. I need an ISI journal from this proposal. I will send all the proposal as soon as agreement reached.
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Creating Ros (src) For For Autonomous Hovercraft With Obstacle Avoidance,mapping,navigation
Creating a ROS Package with msg and srv ,services,actions... Cerating mapping,navigation and also can obstacle avoidance with the Rplidar 360 A1 sensor ,raspebrryPi 4 ,arduino and servo motor
Full Description of creating ROS (src) for for Autonomous Hovercraft with…
Creating Ros (src) For For Autonomous Hovercraft With Obstacle Avoidance,mapping,navigation -- 2
Creating a ROS Package with msg and srv ,services,actions... Cerating mapping,navigation and also can obstacle avoidance with the Rplidar 360 A1 sensor ,raspebrryPi 4 ,arduino and servo motor.
Full Description of creating ROS (src) for for Autonomous Hovercraft with…
Need Assistance With A Lidar Api
Looking for someone with experience with Lidar projects What we are looking to do is given a 4 points of latitude and longitude, we want to pull the lidar database. We want to use this data to measure the heights of different points.
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Indoor Lidar Scanner Or Slam
We are working for a company where we have to develop a simple Lidar scanner on iOS to gather feature points and to generate a map of the area. Can someone please help us!
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Insects Signature Analysis From Doppler Weather Radar Data In Mdv Format
I am doing a research on monitoring crop pest insects using weather radar, i have access to weather radar data, the aim is to identify and define insect signature from radar data, and proceed with further analysis. similar idea was implemented from bellow link https://adriaandokter.com/bioRad/ https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ecog.04028
Full Description of insects signature analysis from doppler weather radar data…
Lidar Based Space Capture
We are looking to build a simple iOS capture app that allows users to capture spaces using Lidar in iOS devices. Some apps that do a good job of this are Scaniverse https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qarYpjeQOcU Happy to share more information about this IF there is someone that can demonstrate they can build this.
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Looking For Somebody To Extract Co-ordinates From A Lidar File.
Hello, we are looking for someone who could extract the X and Y co-ordinates from a LIDAR File (.laz) I have attached a picture of the details we need extracting.
Full Description of Looking for somebody to extract Co-ordinates from a…
Lidar Based Ios Capture.
We are looking to build a simple iOS capture app that allows users to capture spaces using Lidar in iOS devices. Some apps that do a good job of this are Scaniverse https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qarYpjeQOcU Happy to share more information about this IF there is someone that can demonstrate they can build this. You do not have to actually build the full app for us, even a working robust SDK would be probably more useful than an entire app. What is 23+67…
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Bygge Om Sdk Program For Lidar/imu/gnss Enhet
Livox Avia lidar + Inertia Imu-p + Emlid M2 GNSS + RPI3b. Høypresis UAV laserskanner Livox kommer med SDK og noen prøveprogrammer er ønsket ombygd/bygd for å passe oppsettet mitt. Pr nå står jeg fast med at lidar_utc_sync og lidar_sample ikke kan kjøres samtidig, ble anbefalt av Livox å bygge om programmet for å løse dette. RPI mod3 b fungere som stratum 1 tidserver og kjører GPSD og Chrony. Emlids M2 sender UTC tid og PPS sync til felles GPIO…
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