Edge Computing

Simple Smart Home Project
The main focus is on designing communication channels and payloads over MQTT, and storage data structures on the edge server. (Python).. Anyone interested contact me.
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Java Developer
Scratch Project builds and run successfully. Now I have to fetch the records from db for the new clocks to be created and migrate the attached Python script to java to provide an endpoint for creating the clocks.
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Simulation Of A Conceptual Remote Monitoring System
I would like to simulate a remote monitoring system that I have conceptually designed. I have analysed the hardware, sensors, protocols and architectures used and also, I provide details of the overall design.
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Blockchain Energy Efficient
I want to minimize the time consumed by the blockchain encryption algorithms like the proof of work or the proof of stack by offloading this process to the edge computing server and comparing the actual spending time for the blockchain with and without the use of the edge computing server. Also, I want to make an offloading option to the nearby device for those devices that has low energy or low computation power.
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Deep Learning Ids Using Edge-cloud For Smart City Iot Using Big Data
IoT devices enable a massive amount of data to be aggregated and analyzed for anomaly detection. The nature of heterogeneous devices introduces the challenge of collecting and handling these massive datasets to perform data analyses to discover cyber-attacks in near real-time. However, the traditional IDS cannot deal with such a problem due to scalability limitations and insufficient storage and processing capabilities. Moreover, issues such as network bandwidth, real-time support, and security limit the power of cloud server-based IDSs. This paper…
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Help Required With D2go Object Detection
Hi we want someone to implement a validation loss & augmentation pipeline for a D2go training pipeline. The selected freelancer will also be expected to spend some time in explaining the pipeline & documenting the code. If you are not experienced with using the detectron2 framework, pls do not make a bid. Sharing related work done will help us to short-list the correct candidate. DM if you have any queries
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Simulation Of Sdn-edge Cloud Using Ifogsim
I need an expert in simulation load balancing algorithms in Software Defined Networks and Edge computing using ifogsim tool. if you are interested please contact via message for further details.
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Design Mobile Edge Computing -- 2
I need a person who has research experience in mobile edge computing , expert in ML and optimization
Full Description of Design Mobile Edge Computing -- 2
Need To Write Research Paper On Cloud Computing Related Topics
Describe the topic Roadmap on how you are going to achieve, what you are going to do What is the problem statement of the research and suggested solution Finally write a research paper
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Looking For Someone Who Is Highly Experienced On Cloud Computing. Need To Work On A Project With Your Own Ideas And Finally Write A Document On How You Have Achieved It
Identify the problem area in cloud computing, propose a solution, and work the proposed solution for 2 months and achieve it and finally write a document. I have attached A sample document for model of proposal plan. If proposal plan is approved then need to work on the project and deliver it
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Simulation Target Tracking By Using Ekf Process And Multi-agent Rl In Omnet++
o We plan to implement the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) process for trajectory prediction procedure in OMNET++. o We plan to extend the implementation of multi-agent reinforcement learning (RL) network for sensor scheduling during target tracking in OMNET++. o The UAVs cooperate with each other in order to learn how to share their sensory data and act as the scout for each other. o Utilizing a multi-agent RL network makes possible for the UAVs to communicate and share their capabilities…
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Neural Network Optimization For The Edge Iot
I am interested to work on a long-term research project where I need to conduct a depth study to find a gap or modify method (Approach) in the area of Neural Network optimization for the edge devices. I am planning toward research and publication. Please contact me if interested.
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Deep Learning On Edge - Optimization And Memory Saving
I am interested to work on a long-term research project where I need to conduct a depth study to find a gap or modify method (Approach) in the area of Deep Learning optimization for the edge devices. I am planning toward research and publication. Please contact me if interested.
Full Description of Deep Learning on Edge - Optimization and memory…
Simulation Target Tracking By Using Gnn Process And Multi-agent Rl In Omnet++ -- 2
o We plan to implement the Graph neural networks (GNNs) process for trajectory prediction procedure in OMNET++. o We plan to extend the implementation of multi-agent reinforcement learning (RL) network for sensor scheduling during target tracking in OMNET++. o The UAVs cooperate with each other in order to learn how to share their sensory data and act as the scout for each other. o Utilizing a multi-agent RL network makes possible for the UAVs to communicate and share their capabilities…
Full Description of Simulation target tracking by using GNN process and…
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