
Ftc Data Analysis
This is probably a one-day job, but it could develop into several similar jobs. We need a tool that will access the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) API and will extract selected data records. Then, those records will need some formatting and some minor analysis. Its all very straightforward web data coding. Basically, develop a GET query, submit it, get the results, and iterate. This is probably a pretty small project of 4~8 hours, but after we see the results there…
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Alert Save
Hi, require TradingView Alert save to txt file www.tradingview.com Whenever the set the Alert or any alert triggered it will save to txt file. Thank you
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Webmethods Deploy/migration
We are looking for a strong candidates who has the working experience in WebMethods Deploy and Migration. This is a contract Job and based on the candidate performance will process H1B after 1 year time with permanent role.
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Build Beefy Finance Vault Fork (binance Smart Chain Bep20)
Hello, I want to integrate a beefy finance vault fork on my platform. We already have existing BEP20 token and yield farm. Just looking to add on a beefy finance vault fork to our project, we want a % of yield profits to buyback our native token to burn. Github : https://github.com/beefyfinance Only apply for this project if you are experienced binance smart chain developer and know what i am looking for. I want the project to be completed in…
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Project Ken
I am a new boutique owner In need of a creative individual create my Shopify website, and bring my vision to life. The first few products I’m featuring are customized waist trainers, and a few body shapers. I have pictures of the product along with a few descriptions of each. I want the website set up to where everyone must enter an email address to view the sight. I want to make sure that the website is set up to…
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Upload Xlsx File And Send Data Vue.js Axios
Hi everyone, I'm trying to make a method that uploads xlsx file and sends data at the same time using vue.js axios. If anyone can solve my issue direct me. Best regards
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Data Analyst
We are looking to hire a data analyst to join our data team. You will take responsibility for managing our master data set, developing reports, and troubleshooting data issues. To do well in this role you need a very fine eye for detail, experience as a data analyst, and a deep understanding of the popular data analysis tools and databases.
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Fork Auto Compounding Yield Aggregator On Binance Smart Chain (like Beefy Finance)
I am looking for someone who is experienced in Binance Smart Chain projects. You need good Solidity knowledge & some web3 knowledge too. I want to fork auto compounding yield aggregator function of Beefy finance with only few changes. URL : https://app.beefy.finance/ Github : https://github.com/beefyfinance This would require at least medium level expertise developer. I only need you to do the auto compounding aggregator function of beefy finance. I need this project completed within the week. No Token, No Yield…
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Object-oriented Method Expert Required
Requirement on the below Deadline: 3 days Page: you have to write around 7 pages (excluding table of content and references) Font: 12 size Spacing: 1.5 Reference: APA formatting (intext citation) Plagiarism: less than 15% will be acceptable
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Arcgis Pro Add-in
We want to have an ArcGIS Pro add-in that will add some functionally of a web-based application to ArcGIS Pro. This project is basically a wrapper.
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Fix Websockets Multiclient/server
I have an already working multiclient application, divided in 2 parts, Client & Server. Both the client and the server uses websockets to communicate with each other and trade instructions/commands. The server is used as datacenter and database holder, to which infinite clients connect through the client app. Each client is managed by the server which receives requests and sends commands to each client through packets via websockets. As I mentioned the app is fully working, however, I need a…
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A Simple Game To Learn English Alphabets To The Kids
This project requires each to conduct a research or development project . Students’ project should belong to the current research areas of Computer Science and provide solution for the real-world problem of the research topic. The report must be accompanied by relevant methodology, analysis, design, development, implementation, testing and evaluation of a project.
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Google Seo Compartable Website
'PLEASE READ AND SEE THE ATTACHED VIDEO TO UNDERSTAND THE TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS AND BASIC LAYOUT / UI of the site' The site should be preferably in wordpress. I would prefer elementor as page builder as I am quite familiar with elementor. if its anything else I may have to learn few new things as I would want to update the site myself from time to time. However I am open to framework as well, but need to know suggested framework…
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