Quality Engineering

Planta Pre-limpiadora De Granos ( Maiz Y Legumbres)
Se realizo la propuesta el levantamiento de la planta de procesado de granos en el área de pre-limpia para la ubicación de un equipo pre-limpiador de granos con su sistema de elevación y silo de almacenamiento
Full Description of Planta Pre-limpiadora de granos ( Maiz y legumbres)
Qa- Find Discrepancies In A Screenshot Mini Task
You get a screenshot of a part of a product, you have to report with detailed feedback on all discrepancies or bugs found. Very straight forward, Requires a great eye for little details. Shouldn't take more than 30 minutes absolute max.
Full Description of QA- Find discrepancies in a screenshot mini task
Writing Literature Review
I’m working on optimising fresh fruit supply chain to reduce wastage of food by maintaining the quality of fruit at the supply chain. Mainly I’ve developed a mixed integer optimisation model by incorporating quality model.
Full Description of Writing literature review
Final Report Of My Protocol -- 3
Hi I'm looking a confident freelance that has background in quality engineer, electrical engineer and r&d engineer who could write my final report protocol its urgent my previous freelancer is not responding and my deadline is today 9 am nyc time
Full Description of final report of my protocol -- 3
Final Report Of My Protocol -- 2
Hi I'm looking a confident freelance that has background in quality engineer, electrical engineer and r&d engineer who could write my final report protocol its urgent my previous freelancer is not responding and my deadline is today 9 am nyc time
Full Description of final report of my protocol -- 2
Final Report Of My Protocol
Hi I'm looking a confident freelance that has background in quality engineer, electrical engineer and r&d engineer who could write my final report protocol its urgent my previous freelancer is not responding and my deadline is today 9 am nyc time
Full Description of final report of my protocol
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