Robot Operating System (ROS)

I Need A Cobot Programmer
Hello, I require a programmer to come onsite and programme a Hanwha cobot. It already has software on the cobot and runs, just need the process we are using to be programmed on and calibrated. We are based in Goole UK and would require this immediately.
Full Description of I need a cobot programmer
Implementing Dynamic Window Approach (dwa) As A Ros Node
The personal project consist of implementing DWA to ensure obstacle avoidance and local planning.The aim is to send the robot (Turtlebot burger) to a destination in a unknown environment using Rviz (2D-nav-goal) and the robot should navigate itself to the destination without hitting the obstacles in the map.The two main inputs will be laser scanner and odometry by using these local sources the robot should decide the trajectory to be selected.
Full Description of Implementing Dynamic WIndow Approach (DWA) as a ROS…
Looking For Somebody With Experience In Building Sensor Fusion Neural Networks (radars, Lidars, Cameras)
We need an AI/ML developer who has got hands on experience in building Sensor Fusion networks (cameras, lidar, radar & others). Candidates with working knowledge of Robot Operating System(ROS) and simulation softwares such as gazebo will be preferred.
Full Description of Looking For Somebody With Experience In Building Sensor…
Ros Manipulation Project
669 / 5000 Çeviri sonuçları The subject is about the fact that a robot basically only moves joints through an angle or along a path and sets I / Os, but it does not know what it is doing. E.g. gripping, the robot takes a position, opens the gripper, changes the position, closes the gripper. Here the robot has to become capable of abstraction, meaning if I can grasp an object with a certain diameter, I can possibly also grasp…
Full Description of ROS manipulation project
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