Market Sizing

Market Research For Experiential Gifts Market
I'm looking for a market researcher who has ready access to reliable source data relating to the experiential gift market and the ability to communicate clearly. This is for an exciting project which will bring a brand new 'thrill-experience' to the market. A product overview to contextualise the research will be provided once the job had been allocated but it will be offered amongst other adventure experiences such as sky diving, indoor skydiving, parachuting, microlight, helicopter rides, fixed wing flying,…
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Business Plan
I would like hire someone who can help me on Market research to create a business plan
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Find Online Companies That Design Vehicle Wraps
We are a business launching an online, commercial vehicle wrap-design business. We ask for help finding who our competition will be. We expect a list of 15-20 websites of the main competitors that we will face. Please note: - Do not focus on the actual wrap production and installation. Vinyl vehicle wraps is a local business that sells a physical product and installation, and this is not what we intend to sell. We intend to sell the DESIGN SERVICE ONLY…
Full Description of Find online companies that design vehicle wraps
Require Statistics For Australian Taxi And Rideshare Industry
Require the following statistics for Australian Taxi and Rideshare industry for previous, current and projected years. Note: Will require full access to Statista reports etc. All statistics have to be from reliable sources and from the source. All statistics are to be referenced and referenced reports included in full are to be provided as attachments. Therefore no extracts of reports. Australian Taxi Statistics 1) Total # of Taxis in Australia 2) Total # of Taxis in Australia by State 3)…
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Market Research
I need someone who can help us with the Market research and analysis. It will be a secondary research
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Looking For Someone To Do A Secondary Market Research And Create A Strategy
The product we want to sell is already is in the market. Hence it is to the secondary market survey is very easy as the data is already available. We need you to put it in the standard formats and give us.
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Idl Market Research
Our business is a new B2B model focussed on aged care, independent living products and the home improvement market. Clients are big box retailers like Home Depot and Lowes. What we require is in depth data on market sizes and dollar value for our product segment, growth areas, market share, trending product, key data on consumer trends etc, both for in store products and online platforms.
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Medical Device Manufacturer Market Research
Looking for an in-depth analysis of market segmentation, leading companies is all segments, and contact information for decision-makers at those companies.
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Market Sizing And Estimation Help
Looking for a professional market research analyst who has enough experience in both market estimation and market sizing. Please message me as soon as you can.
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Market Sizing And Estimation Help -- 2
Looking for a professional market research analyst who has enough experience in both market estimation and market sizing. Please message me as soon as you can.
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Market Sizing And Estimation Help -- 2/ One Hour Duration -- 2
Looking for a professional market research analyst who has enough experience in both market estimation and market sizing. Please message me as soon as you can.
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Market Sizing And Estimation
Hello I am looking for someone who has enough experience in doing market sizing and estimation. Please ping me as soon as you can.
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Market Research And Market Intelligence - Scout Mobile Applications Of Potential Competitors
Dear freelancer, our objective is to investigate the IOS and Android applications (across 20 different countries) and uderstand if there are any similar applications that offer the same or similar solutions as our application. If you find any similar app, you will need to make a very brief description , indicate the country and the totall app downloads within the country. You should be ablo to work Sector: Beauty , Fragrances, Make-up, Skin Care
Full Description of Market Research and Market intelligence - Scout Mobile…
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