Appliance Repair

Need A Dispatcher
I need a dispatcher for appliance service compny. i work alone and i need a someone who will answer calls and make my schedule
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Hiring A Part Time Handyman Today!
Local real estate company is looking to hire a part time handyman ASAP. The hours will vary but will increase in the future. You can work day or night and set your own hours. The pay is $27/hour. Tasks will involve completing minor punch list items at various furnished properties around town. For example: installing new door knobs or locks, assembling furniture, unboxing supplies and furnishings, completing minor repairs on the properties, and helping with staging, moving and lifting. You…
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Feast 21 Great Dunmow
Were looking for an engineer who can come in ASAP to fix our rational oven
Full Description of Feast 21 Great Dunmow
I Need A Heating Engineer For My Boiler
I need a heating engineer that can repair leaking on my boiler. It is not a gas boiler and you would need expertise on an electric boiler. The boiler in my house is a unit that links up to a main central boiler for the building. we think because of the leaking the pressure if not reaching the radiator as when we turn the central heating on the radiators do not get warm fully. I was advised my another engineer…
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Oven Repair
I believe the element had been damaged in a fan oven, would need some one to go take a look and repair
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Dryer Repair Asap
Dryer quit turning, the belt is still in tack so maybe something technical. An older model digital Samsung.
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It Appliance Installation In Toronto Office
Hello I am looking for someone who can install some light IT equipment's in an office in Toronto. No special skills are needed, mainly can understand English, follow instructions over the phone, and bring a laptop with him for testing. ****** THIS PROJECT ONLY AVAILABLE FOR CANDIDATES IN TORONTO AREA
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It Appliance Installation In Toronto Office -- 2
I am looking for someone to install IT equipment for a client office in Toronto. The IT equipment is light and they include Fortinet Firewall, switch, and AP. No specially skills are required for the personal. Mainly he can speak english, follow instructions over the phone and brings a laptop with him ****THIS JOB LOCAL ONLY TO TORONTO AREA
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Repair A Bioethanol Fireplace
Hello, I am Kate from Neverdark. We produce bio-ethanol smart fireplaces. One of the units in Sydney got "sick". We need someone to visit client's place and repair it. The repair works will take approx 5 hours, maybe less. Nothing too complicated, we have the algorythm of actions and will support you via whatsapp call or video call. Please help :)
Full Description of Repair a bioethanol fireplace
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