
Thermodynamic Analysis Of The Solar Thermal System
Need highly experienced MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Experts to do a Project Topic is - Thermodynamic analysis of the solar thermal system Energy analysis of the solar thermal system. In this project, the energy analysis based on the first law of thermodynamics will be carried out. The methodology will divide into three steps: • Literature writing • The configuration of the cycle and • energy analysis. TRNSYS Software will be provided and existing model It is expected to assess the potential of…
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Thermal System Analysis
This project requires extensive experience in MatLab and it will utilize XSteam and CoolProp which uses the Thermodynamic Tables to analyze refrigeration cycles for vaccine refrigeration systems. You will need to create multiple T-s and P-h diagrams. Knowledge in Thermodynamics is also required. A PDF of the project is included as well as all supporting material and MatLab codes. Make sure to title all graphs.
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Mechanical Engineering Hvac Study Review
Freelancer needed to solve a mechanical engineering review on Introduction to HVAC Air Conditioning Processes. Heating Loads; Variable Base Degree Day Methods. Producing Hot and Cold Fluids for HVAC.
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Mechanical Engineering Hvac Review
Freelancer needed to solve a mechanical engineering help review on Introduction to HVAC Air Conditioning Processes. Heating Loads; Variable Base Degree Day Methods. Producing Hot and Cold Fluids for HVAC.
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Thermodynamic Project - Long Term Work
I have a ongoing thermodynamic project. You must have deep understanding of thermodynamics and good teaching skills as well. Must be reply quick to messages.
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Help With Matlab Programer Laser Machining
need to solve and give matlab codes with simulation and expain the question in details .must be aware of laser machining and silumation in it . its a manufacturing engineering .
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Optimisation Of Single Stage Axial Compressor Blade For A Gas Turbine Engine
This project of mine will look at the primary design of a single-stage axial compressor blade and the behaviour of the flow using ANSYS FLUENT. Then we will provide an optimised blade for the primary design where we achieve a much more efficient compressor.
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Looking For Someone With Strong Grip On Thermodynamics
Hi. I am looking for an individual having strong grip on thermodynamics and polymerizatio , to work with me on a project where we have to write down a report on any specific problem of polymerisation and how thermodynamics helps to solve that problem. Length of the project varies from 10-20 pages and most important part is the mathematical equationing involving gibbs free energy, euler theorem and durhem etc. Anyone with strong chemical engineering background is encouraged to contact.
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Advanced Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
i need someone good in Advanced Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics. i will provide the details in the chat.
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Engineering Thermodynamics
Hi! I'm looking for some help with engineering thermodynamics problems -- got a few to do and am hoping to schedule a session tomorrow afternoon, maybe 2PM (in pacific standard time) I'm hoping for someone who's comfortable with zoom! Thanks!!
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