Just Help Me For The Project(Robocup MSL)

$ 10.00 — 30.00 USD
Hello. my project is robocup msl.
If I have to explain briefly, we are in the beginning phase of the project.
So far, I have managed to match the raspberry pi and roboclaw motor drivers (2 for my tasks) in the project.
The mobile robot has 3 motors and 2 roboclaw driver cards.
I can control all motors separately with raspberyy pi.
I want 2 things from you. we will discuss if you are okay. firstly: the size of the robot is 40cm*40cm.(my own robot is ready.
I wrote some details just to create the map correctly.) determining a map on the 2d plane, 10 times the size of this robot. and this map should always be at point (0,0) every time the robot restart. second: the robot needs to go to the coordinate I want on this map by planning its own path. (path planning.) The robot has 3 wheels, so it needs angular velocities to do this. #jacobian matrix, #path planing, #raspberry pi, #python, #robocupMSL, #roboclaw

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