Petroleum Engineering

Report On Ammonia Production By A Hybrid Process Using Solid-oxide Electrolysis Cells Coupled With Wind Power
It might be surprising that the commercial ammonia synthesis plants are still operating based on “Haber-Bosch” process (N2 + 3H2 2NH3) established around a hundred years ago. The purpose of this study is to assess the feasibility of ammonia production using the solid-oxide electrochemical synthesis routes coupled with a wind power generation system in a typical coastal area in the UK. The solid-state electrochemical synthesis of ammonia has the promise to overcome the limitations of the current commercial catalytic technologies…
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Prepare Proposal For Oil And Gas Inspections Using Drones
We are a drone producer start-up and we are currently developing a number of different drones. We have a business opportunity with an oil-and-gas producer and distributor, we need to propose to them inspection and monitoring services for their facilities using our in-development drones. We do not have much knowledge on the types of equipment, systems, software, or sensors to be used, thus we need a freelancer with knowledge and experience in the field to prepare a good detailed document…
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Co2 Capture, Wet Scrubber, Chemical Process And Waste Removal -- 2
We are in the process of finalizing a chemical process design that captures CO2 through a wet scrubber system from air and the waste will be treated in the way that the captured CO2 from the main liquid solution will be separated and goes to output as an added value materials like CaCO3 or .... and the liquid solution will return back into the system as a loop to continue capture carbon. We are not trying to use high temperature…
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Study On Coating Formation In Cement Mill Circuit & Solution For Coating Removal From Circuit To Improve Healthiness Of Circuit
Study on coating formation in cement mill circuit & solution for coating removal from circuit to improve healthiness of circuit. During cement processing there remains moisture in feed(in flyash and gypsum) due to which cement makes heavy coating on the side walls. Everything is of Mild steel. I want you to suggest some ideas to prevent this coating which are feasible.
Full Description of Study on coating formation in cement mill circuit…
History Matching Based On Integrated Model For Developed Well
This project could be done only by a petroleum engineer. I need a professional research paper that could be used for seminars and conferences.
Full Description of history matching based on integrated model for developed…
Expert In Well Logging
i Need a report in word and presentation regarding 5 well logs in Petroleum
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