Podcast Marketing

Podcast Ad Operations
Looking for someone that can place digital ad points in our Podcast Hosting platform in a bunch of our shows. We host with Megaphone.
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Need Logo For A Podcast
Podcast will be called "Norma11y with Sheri Byrne-Haber" Main color needs to be blue Use of the logo will be for the website and the places where the podcast can be downloaded from
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Full Support For Building A Podcast
I have a following of over 26,000 for my blog on disability inclusion and digital accessibility. I've done a number of guest appearances on other people's podcasts but would like to start my own. The name of the podcast is "norma11y" and I have registered the website You are bidding for the following work: 1) Building a website using https://wordpress.com/theme/shawburn as the template 2) Editing twenty-six 30 minute shows that I would like to start recording next month and start…
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Podcast Producer
Need Podcast Producer with experience in the following: 1. Working with Riverside.fm 2. Edit podcasts and publish to Buzzsprout 3. Getting sponsors to pay to support the show 4. Wordpress and Divi Theme experience 5. Experience growing a new podcast from the ground up
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Podcast Cover
I am creating a podcast called Truth Unknown about government conspiracy theories, history, paranormal, and ufo's. I am would like to have a really mysterious and dark background theme involving what my podcast is about as described. Lastly, have the name of my podcast Truth Unknown on it.
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Podcast Editor -- 2
Require a podcast editor for a project. professional editing and uploading the podcast.
Full Description of Podcast editor -- 2
Podcast Editor
Require a podcast editor for a project. complete editing, SEO, and uploading of media.
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Podcast Marketing -- 2
I am looking for someone who knows how to bring me legitimate listeners for my podcast, not reviews.
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Apple Podcast Promotion
Hi, I am looking for someone who can do APPLE PODCAST 15-20 Ratings 1-3 Reviews Everyday I will be giving 10 new orders every day You have to give Ratings and Reviews max 20 ratings and 3 Reviews I need very cheap prices as I will be reselling the service. Contact : Skype : kendallyy Thank You
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Write 2 Ebooks On Podcast Production And Marketing
We need an expert content writer who can write a detailed guide on creating a podcast and marketing the same. 1. Ultimate guide to creating a podcast 2. Ultimate guide to Podcast Marketing Both need to be 5000 words each. Please DM with relevant samples with prior podcasting experience or content written on the same.
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Podcast Promotion Marketing For Real Estate Podcast
Our podcast is geared to real estate agents (in the US there are 1.6m agents). We've been consistently publishing episodes for 4 years and have grown to a moderate following. We would like help reaching more real estate agents. We've been featured on many "best of" lists for real estate podcasts, but are still struggling with our social footprint. Our website is KeepingItRealPod dot com. Take a look and see if you can add value driving more people to discover…
Full Description of Podcast Promotion Marketing for real estate podcast
Podcast New Hera
The New Hera podcast is a personal project of two successful Brazilian women engineers with the purpose of inspiring and empowering women in the corporate universe, financial market, technology and entrepreneurs to see their potential and build successful careers, either by conquering C-Level positions or by founding and funding their own companies. We believe that the more women leaders talk about their experiences, contribute with their knowledge, and open up the dialogue, the more progress we will have in the…
Full Description of Podcast New Hera
Anchor Podcast Account Set Up, And Loading Up 100's Of Existing Mp3 And 4 Files, With Descriptions
I need my Anchor account fully set up, and connecting to all other podcast site, like apple, Google, and whatever else if available, and the loading up existing mp3 and 4s, thumbnails and descriptions, cut and paste job here, just a lot of files
Full Description of Anchor podcast account set up, and loading up…
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