
Legally Binding Software Purchase Contract
Hello, I am looking for someone to produce a short, legally binding contract for a software purchase agreement.
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Patent Drawings
I have two separate projects I need patent drawings for. There will be several embodiments needed for each with several views needed for each embodiment. The drawings will need to be done in Autodesk Inventor or Fusion. An NDA/Non-compete agreement will need to be completed prior to details being disclosed.
Full Description of Patent drawings
Legal Help Needed In Bangladesh And Inferentially.
Hello. I live in US, and one of my freelancers lives in Bangladesh. I'm giving him access to a large database of email addresses and phone numbers, which he needs to work on. I would like to create an agreement with him, where he will promise to not try to sell or pass this database to anyone, and will delete it from his computer/s as soon the project is complete. Please let me know what kind of document you think…
Full Description of Legal help needed in Bangladesh and inferentially.
Indian Patent Office - Prosecution Agent
Hello, I have a patent application related to IT filed with Indian Patent Office. The examination request was made and I received an Office Action. Note that the same patent application has been already granted a patent by: USPTO, Japan Patent Office, Korea Patent Office, China Patent Office. I am looking for somebody who: - Has experience in prosecution / replies to office actions in tech field, with a high ratio of successful results. - Become my local agent in…
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Solicitor With Proper Knowledge
I want a solicitor to check my application and how as got proper knowledge about visa application in Uk . Only Uk solicitor required.
Full Description of Solicitor with proper knowledge
Legal Document - For Employee Agreement And Nda And Contract For Remote Work.
Hello, We need Legal document - for Employee agreement and NDA and Contract for remote work. We need few document that can protect our project idea , code for local and internationally around the global. As we have some employee working full time in office and also we have some worker those work assignment basis around the world. So I need document for 1, NDA 2, Contract worked 3, Office Employee 4, Remote employee All legal document to protect of…
Full Description of Legal document - for Employee agreement and NDA…
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