Audio Ads

Locutor/a Para Pasar A Audio Los Artículos De Un Blog En Castellano
Busco una persona que tenga buena dicción en castellano para grabar en audio los artículos de un blog. Son artículos de entre 600 y 1000 palabras
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Audio Advertising Copywriter
Who We Are: SpokenLayer is the leader in short form digital audio production. Each month, we produce thousands of 3-6 minute audio pieces for media companies such as Condé Nast, Time, Tribune and Hearst, as well as brands and advertisers such as General Mills, State Farm and Audible. Our unique audio content is distributed anywhere consumers can listen - via smart speakers, podcasting and streaming platforms, and the web. Our creative work recently won “Best Audio Campaign” by Digiday at…
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Audio Advertising Copy Writer
Who We Are: SpokenLayer is the leader in short form digital audio production. Each month, we produce thousands of 3-6 minute audio pieces for media companies such as Condé Nast, Time, Tribune and Hearst, as well as brands and advertisers such as General Mills, State Farm and Audible. Our unique audio content is distributed anywhere consumers can listen - via smart speakers, podcasting and streaming platforms, and the web. Our creative work recently won “Best Audio Campaign” by Digiday at…
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Se Busca Vocero Para Grabar Audio Para Un Video
Se necesita vocero para grabación de un audio para video de 1:30 min. Son alrededor de 30 frases. Requisitos: Español perfecto sin acento Sin trastorno del habla Con experiencia previa Preferible que sea voz de la mujer
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Criar Vinheta Para Anúncio Em Carro De Som
Criar vinheta com música para o seguinte texto. Alô dona de casa, alô chefe de Família. Você está precisando de dinheiro ??? Temos a solução Seu óleo usado vale dinheiro aqui no carro de coleta. Traga seu óleo usado que compramos pago na hora ! Também trocamos por produtos de limpeza, bandeja de ovos,Gel doutorzinho, maquiagem, shampoos e muito mais Só dar a mão que o carro para. Atenção colocar inversão na vinheta repetido óleo óleo de cozinha e é…
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Umbundu/south Mbundu Speakers Needed For Sentence Reading Project
We are looking for Umbundu or South Mbundu language speakers for a 500 sentence reading project. Speakers need to use Android or Windows laptop to work on this task. We are offering 20$ for 500 sentence reading task. If you are Umbundu speaker please feel free to place the bid. This task will take 3-4 hours at max.
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Narração De Vídeo De Vendas
Olá, tudo bem ? Preciso de uma narradora para fazer a narração do meu vídeo de vendas. Preciso que seja uma mulher com uma narração teatral, que saiba se expressar bem através da fala, o vídeo será usado na página de vendas de meu produto para o nicho feminino. O vídeo tem mais ou menos, 997 palavras. Meu orçamento é baixo, por isso eu peço que somente freelancers com bom preço entrem em contato.
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Adobe Auditon Or Text To Speech Guru For Creating A Voice Radio Ad Urgent.
We need to create an audio ad from female AI text to speech source, We are open to any virtual AI voice and include some non royalty background music for the radio Ad, since it will play in commercial radio broadcast. The audio clip must stay less than 30 seconds and it has to sound as real as possible, withing limitations of course. I have attached a sample of the ad I was able to create in Adobe Auditon with…
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I want an advertiser who brings a lot of clients to work on commission
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Need Many People For Malay Recording Project [kl] -- 2
For this project, I need many native Malay speakers, the people must do a recording of 1000 audios based on certain keywords and topics, you must download the app to do this project. Females and males welcome. If you can refer someone I will give you a bonus. You can check the details attached as we need many people. The budget is $15
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Narracion De Carta De Ventas
Hola, mi nombre es Ezequiel, tengo un trabajo para una narración de carta de ventas (vsl) para un producto digital. No soy dueño de una gran empresa y ni siquiera represento una. Es la primera vez que contrato a alguien para este puesto de esta manera. La voz de una mujer es obligatoria para este papel La obra no será difundida por ninguna radio o TV. El video constará de tu voz, con slides en texto y con algunas imágenes.…
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Australia Phone Calling Project
For AU guidelines Requirements: • You are a native speaker of Australian & Canadian French & German accents. • You will complete 6 calls with each call lasting 3 minutes; 3 calls per day, to be completed up to 2 days. Should be at least a 3-hour time interval per call. • 6 calls should cover at least 3 microphone types (Earphones/internal mic/speakerphone/wireless). • You need to use at least 2 call sources: landline/cell phone/VOIP/Skype (can borrow family's or friends'…
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