Article Writing Blog Writing E-book Writing

₹ 400.00 — 750.00 INR
I need you to write some content for a website.

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Big City Greens: The Movie
When Phoenix was dognapped by an Interpol police officer, Cricket, Bill, Gramma, Tilly, Nancy, Remy and Gloria go to Europe and save her but problems arrive when Cricket, Bill, Gramma, Tilly, Nancy and Gloria become Europe's Most Wanted Family.
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Experto En Inbound Marketing
Comprender cómo actúa cualquier comprador y saber anticiparse a sus necesidades. La clave del Inbound Marketing no está en conocer bien a tu cliente ideal, está en conocer bien sus motivaciones de compra. Hay que Saber crear la necesidad. Buscamos expertos en diseñar estrategias inbound con experiencia demostrable y con casos concretos que puedan argumentar. Tendrá que montar un sistema de Inbound Marketing de acuerdo a los siguientes pasos: - Análisis estratégico del negocio: para poder desarrollar un sistema de…
Simple 2d Multiplayer Web Game
Hello everybody. My name is Davide, I am 23 years old and I am Italian. I have developed a game idea, but I don’t know how to develop it. The game is 2D and It will only be playable online multiplayer. The rules of the game and the graphics are simple. It’s a kind of game that also be replicated on a sheet of paper. For this, in the document that I will send you I explain everything, also there…
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Basic Loop Animation -- 2
i need to animate 6 avocado illustrations doing exercise, i will provide the vector files, it should be a looped action. 3-5 seconds each, no audio or voice over, only the animation. the files will be added to a different background so i will prefer to have transparent gifs or the after effects source files. please see the attached examples
Full Description of basic loop animation -- 2
Content Writer Needed For Our Company (possibly Fixed Monthly Salary)
Hey, I am looking for Content Writer for our Startup company. Only person willing to work for long term must apply There will be fixed monthly salary and will be paid in milestones by this platform only The work will be creating Daily Blogs, Quotes, Descriptions for our Social Media Posts, some Data Researching & Data Entry Work on our Products We are in Indian Stones (Marbles, Granites) + Textile Business, so someone experienced in these field will be better…
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Medical Animation
We need a medical animation showing normal blood flow through leg veins, the valves in the veins reversing, and then the development of varicose and spider veins. Graphics and images will be provided for a base idea as well as a logo to include.
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Solo Goli Mobile Game Contest - Win $50
download from(access from mobile to redirect): play and complete full game to win, for more details go to
Full Description of solo goli mobile game contest - win $50
Produktdatenpflege Onlineshop
Wir sind ein Berliner Onlineshop bei dem sich alles rund um automatische Türen, Tore und Antriebstechnik dreht. Wir vertreiben über unseren Shop diverse Produkte von rund 30 namhaften Marken, Tendenz weiter steigend. Wir suchen nun Unterstützung für die Produktdatenpflege unseres Online-Shops. Dies beinhaltet die Überarbeitung bzw. Anpassung von bereits bestehenden Artikeln und Inhalten sowie verstärkt das Einpflegen von neuen Artikeln verschiedener Hersteller.
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Fathers` Day Post
Marketing is not an event, but a process… It has a beginning, a middle, but never an end, for it is a process. You improve it, perfect it, change it, even pause it. But you never stop it completely. Jay Conrad Levinson, Author of Guerrilla Marketing MarKopedia helps you thinking out of the box and brainstorm together to Brand and Market your Business. As We do Non-Stop Marketing. Wondering how to invest your time and marketing budget this year for…
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2d (frame By Frame) Animation For A 30 Second Intro
I require 2D (frame by frame) Animation for a 30-second Intro. Below is the reference video for the quality I require. I need a freelancer who can achieve this quality for a competitive price as I have more similar projects to offer, once this project completes successfully. Write "2 + 2" at the beginning of your proposal so I know you have gone through the job description.
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Promoting My Youtube Channel
I have a Youtube channel which is totally dedicated to Cricket Lovers. I want a freelancer who can promote my channel and get me views and subscribers.
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