$ 30.00 — 250.00 USD
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1. Azure DevOps Engineer (AZ104 certified) with min 3 years relevant experience. 2. C# .NET (Core) Developer with min 5 years relevant experience Experience with ASP.NET MVC Exposure to Azure and Azure AZ204 certification is preferred 3. Front end developer(Node.JS / ReactJS) with min 5 year relevant experience. Experience with Javascript (ES6+), HTML5 & CSS Experience with React & typescript 1-year projects and full time for someone in THE NETHERLANDS
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Asp Classic Simple Code Modifation Only $15 I Have For This
i have a asp classic page with billing address i want to add delivery address if there choose delivery and not pickup. so if delivery was choose when the box for delivery address will show. and i need a check if billing address and delivery address is the same
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Hello, I have project wherein the application has been developed in PHP with POSTGRESQL and requirement was to be converted to .NET. Partial work has been completed and need to complete the remaining work along with fixing the Bugs. This is an immediate and urgent requirement and need full time development activity till full completion.
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I Need A Net Programmer
I want to create a form with aspnet,html5,c# using mssql2014 databse. This form function to to scan barcode and automatic save data barcode to database, and scan again (repetitive).
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Migrate From Membership To Core Identity
Hi, I need to migrate all Users with passwords and details from ASP.NET Membership (forms authentication) to ASP.NET Core 3.1 Identity. I need project to be made in C# with two text boxes and two buttons, where I can first enter connection string for Old Database where membership tables exists, second enter connection string for new database where new core identity tables are created, and click a button to transfer or button to cancel. After successful migration or error you…
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Awpit Technologies Pvt Ltd.
We are IT service startup company with clients in the North Atlantic region. Currently, We need freelancing work for 6-12 months for an ERP implementation project. We need 5 developers with 2+ years of experience and 1 Technical Lead with 6+ Years of experience. The Skills we mainly require are,MVC,C#,HTML5,Jquery,Angular,NETCore and Basic knowledge of Oracle Database. We will mainly work for creating new customized modules in the ERP.
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Build An Asp .net App With Sql
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Invoice Generation And Download As Pdf In Mvc Project -- 2
There is an existing project in ASP.Net MVC web application. This is kind of Invoice Generation Software. Current approach to view the Invoice: Bind the Data into HTML/CSS (MVC Razor View) and run a java script "window.print()". Now, we want to generate the invoice and download as pdf format from server side. This a small module to develop in C# (ASP.Net MVC). To do this job, use of 3rd Party DLL or reference is restricted before approval from client. Find…
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