
Script To Automate Usdt And Doge
Hi, I need someone to help me create a script that runs on Linux. The functionality of the script - detect a received coin and record it in the database - read the local database every 30 seconds or 1 minute to send coins according to the database. - read the local database and create a new wallet according to the database. Please suggest a good wallet provider that works best for the script. There are Dogecoin and USDT that…
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Developer Blockchain Application
Looking for a free lancer to develop an application based on blockchain using Golang and Typescript.
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Crypto Recovery
Looking for a blockchain engineer to help recover the lost tether USDT
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Unity & C# Developer
Looking for Unity and C# developer who have experience with metamask connection wallet.
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Predermined Pricing Bsc Token On For Pancakeswap
I need a token that rises in value at set intervals (predetermined pricing). Autoswap exchange on pancake on bsc so swap only between bnb and token. This is unique token and listed on pancake swap not own forked version as first mentioned. It will be a token listed on pancake swap. Tax: 5% Holders: 1% Liquidity providers: 2% Liquidity pool: 1.5% Admin fee: 0.5% Goal is to flow funds to pool but sizeable incentive to investors who have put in…
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Erc20 Token - Smart Contract
I want to build a token with the below functions Deploy, Verify, add liquidity lock liquidity Send tokens to contract Send Eth to contract Open trading Lock Renounce
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Crypto Api Integration
Hello We need to integrate a simple api to our platform. If you have a good experience in crypto api integration then this project is for you
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