
Nft In Rust + Terra
Hi, talents! I wish to involve a smart contract developer who has extensive experience in rust programming language on Terra. You can show me the smart contracts what you wrote down for your previous business in detail and explain them based on your hand-on experience. I myself have much knowledge in blockchain, and this will lead to a long-term relationship for a skillful candidate. Enjoy bidding.
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Devops Job Support
We are looking for a freelancer, who can able to support our client on daily basis. Skills we are looking for: Groovy Scripting ,Cloud bees, Terraform, Jenkins, AWS, Openshift. Please ping me if you have all the above skills.
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I’m Looking For A Rust Programmer
I am looking for a rust programmer with experience in creating either NFT’s, staking contracts, or setting up yield farming. Preferably you have experience developing on the Terra blockchain. Pay is negotiable.
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I Need Someone To Code Smart Contracts Using Rust
Hello, I am looking for someone to code a token staking and swap function using the Rust programming language. This is for a cryptocurrency project built the Terra Blockchain. Requirements are that you are skilled in Rust, and have experience writing smart contracts on either Solana or Terra. If you have made smart contracts on other blockchains using a different programming language, but you know how to code in Rust - this is also acceptable. Please let me know if…
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I Need Someone To Code Smart Contracts Using Rust -- 2
Hello, I am looking for someone to code a token staking and swap function using the Rust programming language. This is for a cryptocurrency project built the Terra Blockchain. Requirements are that you are skilled in Rust, and have experience writing smart contracts on either Solana or Terra. If you have made smart contracts on other blockchains using a different programming language, but you know how to code in Rust - this is also acceptable. Please let me know if…
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Terra Blockchain Consulting
Hi, I am looking for someone that is familiar with luna token, terra stability coins and rust programming. I am getting points from cosmwasm docs 1.0 and 0.14 like wasmd and junod for testnet and more things. But i need help from expert on this tech area. I will be needing to hire someone for long term if he is good for this area. Thanks.
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Terra Blockchain Consulting -- 2
Hi, I am looking for someone that is familiar with luna token, terra stability coins and rust programming. I am getting points from cosmwasm docs 1.0 and 0.14 like wasmd and junod for testnet and more things. But i need help from expert on this tech area. I will be needing to hire someone for long term if he is good for this area. Monthly payment will be done or weekly. If you do good work, we will go for…
Full Description of terra blockchain consulting -- 2
Terra Blockchain Smart Contract
Hi, I am looking for someone that is familiar with luna token, terra stability coins and rust programming. I am getting points from cosmwasm docs 1.0 and 0.14 like wasmd and junod for testnet and more things. But i need help from expert on this tech area. I will be needing to hire someone for long term if he is good for this area. Monthly payment will be done or weekly. Important note : Rust, Smart Contract, Dapp Knowledge If…
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Terra Nft Smart Contract
I need a smart contract built using CosmWasm (Rust) for the Terra Blockchain. The contract should have the following functionality: - total NFT supply of 5000 - Allow minting of a new NFT for free, but only if the user owns another specific NFT. - store 5 different versions of metadata per NFT. - store an encrypted message - execute function to attempt to decode the encrypted message - functions to change an NFT from one version of the metadata…
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Terra/cosmwasm Nft Smart Contract
I need a smart contract built using CosmWasm (Rust) for the Terra Blockchain. The contract should have the following functionality: - total NFT supply of 5000 - Allow minting of a new NFT for free, but only if the user owns another specific NFT. - store 5 different versions of metadata per NFT. - store an encrypted message - execute function to attempt to decode the encrypted message - functions to change an NFT from one version of the metadata…
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React Frontend Dev - Nft Mint Page - Terra.js
I need a front-end dev to create a page where users can connect wallet and mint nft. Github repo - https://github.com/shravanshetty1/squares-dao Terra.js library - https://terra-money.github.io/terra.js/ Website is currently on WordPress but mint page should be built with react
Full Description of React Frontend Dev - NFT Mint page -…
Terra Luna Expert
Are you familiar with https://degencoinflip.com/? It is a coin flip game where the user wagers a cryptocurrency and either doubles their money or loses it all. In that example it is on Solana but I would like to build something similar on different chains, starting with Terra Luna. There is a 4% fee for each game played and of that 4% fee, 75% is paid to all holders. The house wallet will need to keep a certain amount of Luna…
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Deploy Contract In Terra
Hi, here's the project info: 1) Token Staking with early Unbonding We need a staking contract (standard usage stake token x receive reward token y) reference: https://github.com/valkyrieprotocol/contracts/tree/main/contracts/lp_staking Additionally we need the ability to define a "unstaking period"" and an early unstaking fee So when the user unstakes their staked tokens they will have to wait for the unbonding period to get their stake without losing any tokens OR they can withdraw at any time but will get charged an early…
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