Predictive Analytics

Excel Data Analysis
Need to find out the underlying issues through data analytics (use of pivot tables at max) to improve employee processes. You will be interpreting data as per the requirements that would be discussed later. Also, we are running short of time, so please reach us out if it is possible to help on an urgent basis.
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Data Mining Task To Find Best Model For Prediction
Using the dataset supplied with 260 rows, create a python script that i can use in Jupyter to predict and output numeric value, or convert this output into classes and predict the class. As entry there is 23 boolean features, 3 numeric and two nominal. I do not need the perfect model, but you use different algorythms to train and test the best model explaning my data. Attached you have a print of columns of the data set as well…
Full Description of Data Mining task to find best model for…
Data Science Project Proposal
I need someone who can be creative to come up with a research topic in data science or big data/data analytics or machine learning. the person MUST be able to undertake all the description of work. below is a description of the proposal. 300 words Introduction/Focus of Research ● Field of study ● Topic/Research Object ● Unit of analysis ● Justification of the project – why is it important? ● Aims and objectives ● Make a clear statement as to…
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Consultancy Regarding Data Mining, Databases
Hi there, I need consultancy regarding data mining, databases and everything It's necessary to be able to formulate predictive questions. It's not my job - I'm a designer - so I need someone explaining me how the process work. If you are able to do the job as well that could happens in a future project, now I just would like to have a chat to have more knowledge about the topic.
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Stock Market Price Prediction And Data Analysis And Recording
Using data from 2 websites (one paid,, and one free, and a third source (will be entered manually on daily basis) try to predict the next day Max/Min price of any Stock Symbol. Should be able to “grab” from both web sites the next day Max/Min prediction just right before the market closes (10-15 minutes). Each stock may have different closing time. Should store historical Max/Min data from each selected Stock Symbol. I will add or archived Stock…
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Mantenimientos Predictivos, Termografias, Adecuaciones De Seguridad
Somos una pequeña empresa con muchas ganas de expandirnos y poder así reportar beneficios a nuestros clientes en modo de confiabilidad, eficiencia y disponibilidad de su tejido productivo y energías transversales.
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Sports Analytics
Looking for a Sports Analytics Developer specializing in Football and other sports i.e.Basketball/Badminton etc. Knowledge In Nacsport and Longomatch will be an advantage.
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Data Analysis With Python (includes Prediction Modeling/ml)
Need help with performing Data Analysis on a large csv dataset. Advanced data visualizations are required to be built along with Prediction Modeling. Connect if you are proficient in Python/ML.
Full Description of Data analysis with Python (Includes Prediction Modeling/ML)
Excel Simulator
Hey Guys, I'm looking for an excel sheet with following description: This Excel sheet should describes a simulator for a car rental business. The Goal is to determine automatically and based on "Available cash" when in the year the next cars can be bought to increase business' incomes. Requirements: 1. One or more cars can be bought at once according to cash availability. 2. We also need an overview of current cars in the park. 3. Also note that a…
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Datamining Prediction Task
Using two differents datasets one with 260 rows and one with 60 rows tests different algorythms using python (Jupyter) the find the best alorythm to predict and output. First dataset the output has 3 different classes , second dataset the output is a numeric value.Find the best technique for prediction (regression, classificatin, neural network etc) Workd involve feature selection and feature reduction , algorythm prediction score and score comparaison after feature reduction. Dataset structure picture and csv files are attached
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