
Bash Script: Build Loop Script With Changing Value
So i need loop script that can run my other script, this is the script ./engraver_cpu --n 4000 --path /plot1 --id 13790008575625040224 --sn 123 && ./engraver_cpu --n 4000 --path /plot2 --id 13790008575625040224 --sn 456 i need the number 123 and 456 be changing every loop happen. lets say it will add 200 every loop happen so 1st loop 123 and 456 2nd loop 323 and 656 3rd loop 523 and 956 etc If this cant be make using bash script…
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Perl Or Regex Script Creation
I need a perl or regex script to import data from a txt file to reference different values in that same txt file based on type syntax of the line So for instance 3: ID = NFSShare_38 Name = exm_shared_qaa Description = File system = res_69 Local path = / Export path = Default access = root No access hosts = Read-only hosts = Host_171 Read/write hosts = Root hosts = Host_327, Host_154, Host_155, Host_156, Host_326, Host_148, Host_149, Host_150,…
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Simple Bash Script (ubuntu) Needed -- 2
Look to create some informational Bash Scripting information with screenshots included. The instructions are: INSTRUCTIONS 1. Write a script to check command arguments (3 arguments maximum). Display the argument one by one. If there is no argument provided, remind users about the mistake. Provide a screenshot of your script and example run (#4-0a) Is there an easy way to use a loop to get all arguments? 2. Practice a simple command line calculator. See the sample output on the right.…
Full Description of Simple Bash Script (Ubuntu) needed -- 2
Perl Encoding String In Json
i have a string how to encode this in json with perl ? example [id1,id2,payload] [3,"2380",{"currentTime":"2021-06-25T01:03:35.665579","interval":20,"status":"Accepted"}]
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Perl Working With Net::websocket::server
client is connected to server on port 9000 example on the server side how can i get the uuid out ? i can get ip and port, what about the url ? on_connect => sub { my ($serv, $conn) = @_; $conn->on( utf8 => sub { my ($conn, $msg) = @_; $IP = $conn->ip(); $PORT = $conn->port();
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Sql Database Generation Code Refactoring
I have Perl code that converts an sqlite database from one format/structure to another. It is somewhat convoluted and I would like to have the code refactored to NodeJS so that it is easier to maintain. Some of the conversions depend on variables and I would like these to be declared at the beginning of the code so that they can be adjusted easily if necessary. I have the two sqlite files and the Perl code for reference so it…
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Webscarping -company Phone Number Scraping From List Of 30k Urls
I need someone to scrape list of URLS to scrape phone number (each website is different) phone numbers must be available in contact us page, home page, privacy policy or terms & conditions sample is attached
Full Description of Webscarping -company Phone number scraping from list of…
Need A Smal Program Csv Translation With Google Api .
I need a simple program in Python (or other Mac friendly lang.) where I will upload a csv file and it will connect to google translate api translate the content and spit out the content in a new csv.
Full Description of Need a smal program csv translation with google…
Simple Script In Python Or Perl To Fix Html In Csv File
I have very ugly html code in a csv file that I need to look at and get the output I want. Here are examples of the code before changes: " Czyszczenie piekarnika: Pyroliza Prowadnice: Teleskopowe Rodzaj piekarnika: Elektryczne Sterowanie: Elektroniczno-mechaniczne Termosonda: Tak Zobacz pełną specyfikację" This is what I want it to look like: Czyszczenie piekarnika:…
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Add Perl Support In Nginx
I am trying to add perl support in nginx I downloaded nginx and extract it wget then install it using the following command sudo ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/nginx --with-http_ssl_module --with-http_perl_module --with-perl_modules_path=/usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl --with-perl=/usr/bin/perl but the installtion didn't complete and gets a lot of errors of the same message "can not be used when making a PIE object; recompile with -fPIC" so, I started over again by edit makefile to add "-fPIC" flag CFLAGS = $CFLAGS -fPIC the installation completed but nginx couldn't…
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Scrapes On Perl + Web::scraper
Scrapes have to be developed on Perl using Web::Scraper for parsing. 2-3 general templates. Initial code provided.
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