Bare Metal

Imitar Pieza Para Bicicleta
Necesito un profesional o alguien capacitado para imitar en metal una pieza no muy complicada. Adjunto pequeño boceto con medidas y fotos. Necesito unas 10 unidades
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Power Press Project
I wonder if there are free lance sales people to help bring in fabricating contracts for machine shop. This is strictly power press shop and is located outside the USA.
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Create Functionality That Will Use The Ios Lidar/arkit And Add Textures To The Scan
I need to reproduce the capabilities that the iOS PolyCam has in terms of scanning an environment and then applying texture mapping. IE. Open app - use ARKit to scan an environment, apply texture mapping so that the scan has real world textures, output as usdz file. Bonus there should be a way to change the quality of the mapped textures from higher resolution (base) to lower resolutions (very pixelated)
Full Description of Create functionality that will use the iOS lidar/ARKit…
Custom Metal Detector -- 2
Working on custom metal detector project , I want to filter out all non wanted metals 100%. We can discuss about the budget. what have you done wirh lasers and metal decection?
Full Description of custom metal detector -- 2
Looking For An Aluminum Expert To Help Us Set Up Production In China
Hello, We're a company that designs and manufactures premium packaging for multiple products, including cosmetics, alcohol, premium cigars, and foodstuffs (based in Hong Kong, but our factory is in Southern China). We just received a big order for an aluminum cup, as such, we're considering buying the equipment and making them ourselves, but this is way outside our expertise. We're looking for someone who's been in the aluminum bashing industry for years and could help us set up the production,…
Full Description of Looking for an aluminum expert to help us…
Shed Skid
need engineer stamp to provide city development for the "foundation " of my shed
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Bmk8s (bare Metal Kubernetes)
Help needed in setting up HA 3-node cluster w/ nodeSelector / node affinity specifications. Strong bare-metal Kubernetes deployment experience mandatory. MongoDB and Kafka experience preferred.
Full Description of BMK8S (Bare Metal Kubernetes)
Brass Dog Tag Labels
I have a custom furniture/gift business. I need 100 brass dog tag style labels with my business logo and name etched on them.
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Raspberry Pi Small Project
Image I put with this got the assignment description. way we need to wire up the pi included in the week7 lab pdf on page 2.
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Pipe Welded Shop
Hi I want to get blue prints for a Biulding using metal pipe 2.5 inch to do the columns and trusses I need ant it to be 50x60 and 15ft high inside and 3/12 pitch roof
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Set Icp Spectrometer Process.
Varian brand analyse ag, sn, cu, pb, al, si and others. Support in process and training.
Full Description of Set ICP Spectrometer Process.
I Need Metal Making Artist
Looking for metal worker to creat brass shapes like in the photo but on a larger scale. Maybe around 20 inches wide and around 50 inches long. Pictures are just a reference and not my personal designs.
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Manufacture A Brass Component.
I need small brass cups exactly like those in this link. I need a price on 20k a month.
Full Description of Manufacture a brass component.
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