
Base Oil Recycling Technology Consultation
Searching for an engineer experienced with the design of base oil recycling technology to compare different company quotation and choose the best with reason.
Full Description of base oil recycling technology consultation
A Person With Agricultural Skills/deep Knowledge
Location:India A person who wants to collaborate/work for experimenting and has very good knowledge of Indian Geography &Climate.Honesty and Simplicity if first preffered.Looking for person who has devoted soul & strong will in this field and who actually needs to work in life. Salary/Payment won't be great so if you are looking for big money don't apply,though my future plan are big and once fully functional you'll be shared more than content. Environment Friendly,Vegans do apply
Full Description of A person with Agricultural Skills/Deep Knowledge
Cationic Paraffin Wax Emulsion Formulation Required
Hi We're want to make cationic emulsion of paraffin wax with 35% solid contents for waterproofing of textile fabrics. We need your expertise for developing the formulation of the said product for us. Please submit a proposal if you're available and interested. Mian Usama Proprietor PakNoble Chemicals (Textile division) Pakistan
Full Description of Cationic paraffin wax emulsion formulation required
Chemist Expert In Chinese Herb
Dear all, I'm looking a chemist were expert on Chinese Herb for doing R&D. Must expert in ultrasonic assisted extraction and must live in China Thank you
Full Description of Chemist Expert in Chinese Herb
Design Of Metal Hydride To Store Hydrogen.
Desorption of hydrogen should be done at room temperature without any power external power supply require. the storage design show be able absorb hydrogen by weight 4% to 10%
Full Description of Design of metal hydride to store hydrogen.
Puplic Soap
مشروعي هو صناعة منتجات التجميل العضوية مثل الصابون الصلب والكريمي والمقشرات بانواعها والزيوت الطبيعية ومرطب الشفايف
Full Description of puplic soap
I Need An Online Assistant For Data Collection And Plug Into Excel
I need an online Assistant to collect some data. Knowledge of Chemistry would be beneficial however not mandatory, The data has to be collected from some journals so access would be advantageous. Attention to detail is a must. I would provide an excel sheet with sample Data,
Full Description of I need an online Assistant for Data Collection…
Desarrollo Formula De Caramelos (pastillas Tipo Yapa Stani)
El proyecto se basa en desarrollar la formula de las pastillas que sean apto celiacos y en lo posible veganas. Una golosina que que no se diluya fácilmente y tenga un periodo de duración Producto recomendado: azúcar de remolacha. De diferentes sabores tal como las pastillas (ejemplo yapa ex stani)
Full Description of Desarrollo formula de caramelos (pastillas tipo yapa stani)
Biodegradable Cleaning Product Formula
I am part of a packaging company that is making efforts to turn green. We are looking to lauching a biodegradable cleaning product line. We are going to start with dish washer liquid soap.
Full Description of Biodegradable cleaning product formula
Synthesis Of Metal Nanoparticles
hello, I need a chemistry researcher who can do my lab work like synthesizing the metal nanoparticles for the project.
Consultoria De Alimentos, Conservas
Se requiere una asesoria para un producto alimenticio, será desarrollado como una conserva sin embargo se busca conocer opciones para darle un mejor aspecto y consistencia.
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