3D Rigging

3d Animation
Hi I want a professional who can help me with my reggae animation music video,I can send you the link to the song and you can have an idea. It’s talking about losing a loved one in hopes of seeing them again and if they would remember you, so I will need the one character to be a rastaman playing the piano, I have no character made yet for the video, this is my reference video https://youtu.be/69RdQFDuYPI duration 3 min
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3d Modeling
You need to create a 3d mid poly cartoonish character using blender with proper texturing. If you are interested share your portfolio.
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Baheeja Rigging On Maya
Baheeja is a 10 minutes animation short movie: An old woman Baheeja lives alone cut off from the real world. Her life revolves round her small house and her cat (Mitsu). Suddenly the cat disappears and she‘s compelled to go out to search for it only to discover how conflicts and clashes have spread among the people of her village.
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Gun Rigging For Fps Animation
Hi everyone, I'm developping a First person shooter game with few peoples and we're looking for someone who can rig correctly our gun models so we can animate them for FPS animation. The first model will be a UMP45, we need to be able to move the magazine, trigger, charging handle, bullet chamber, Fire selector etc. Anything that need to move for animation. The UMP45 have some attachments, so you'll need to rig them too. ( files will be givin…
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I Need 3d Animation Expert In Maya For Games.
I need octopus 7 animation. Some one pls help me for that. Budget is less. Pls also share your previous work also when u send offer. My budget is 350 rs to 450 per animation. All need approximately 3 to 7 second. I will own do but animal animation I cannot do. Some one please help me for that. I will provide you rigged octopus Maya file.
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3d Character Animator For Gaming App .
Looking for someone to create animated ads around our game concept. Example: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hJMfxzKIQtgaSOOKPlARNa8abpaJ2Lrn/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1G5Dc8wjIXGmj6MhTpXAswdkCQUUmLlPf/view?usp=sharing We would like an animated ad just like the above video. We will provide character examples but they will need to be designed. Videos should be around 5-10 secs. We are looking to work with you long-term. Please send examples of past work and let's get started!
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3d Rigging
Hi, I am looking 3d Maya rigger. I have total 4 character
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Create Me Face Rig In Maya
I have a 3d model of human with created body rig, I need to create face rig for him.
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Virtual Anatomy 3d Animation -- 2
Job Description I am a corrective exercise specialist who is creating a website to teach people how muscle imbalances create pain. I am looking for another 3d Animation Muscle Anatomy Artist who can show the human skeleton with singular and sometimes 2 or 3 muscles and the muscle's actions. I have lots of short animated videos that I need made. I already have a 3D layered human body model that I can send you. I would just need to know…
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Modelling Teeth, Tongue (rig, Skin) For Existing Character And Rigging For Facial Expressions
I have a character (Lord Sri Krishna as a child) created in Blender as well as Maya (images of character attached) for which I would like someone to create teeth and tongue firstly. Somehow the character got created without them. Teeth need to look good, well aligned and nice when the character smiles. Also, would like to rig, re-skin, etc. the face professionally for facial expressions. Ideally looking for someone who could do this in Blender as Well as Maya.…
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I Need Someone To Rig My Anime 3d Character Model In Blender Or Maya!
I would like to hire someone to rig my model. You can use Blender or Maya to rig the model. I need the model to have blend shape and rigged perfectly, So I can use it in Unity and in VR Chat. Rigged model must be able to use in VRstudio as well. Please send your previous rigging work and looking forward to work with you! Thank you.
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Cделать фотореалистичный портрет и тело девушки
Задача сделать фотореалистичный портрет (упор на реализм лица, не мультяшность) и тело женщины блогера. С риггингом эмоций и тела для анимации в Cinema 4d. Будут крупные кадры с лицом и пальцами, поэтому нужны прорисованные детали. Наличие зубов, когда открывается рот. По возможности модель одежды как в приложенных изображениях, только блестящего серебристого цвета. Кожа должна выглядеть гладкой, молодой. Обязательно макияж и прическа как в приложенных изображениях. Маникюр также обязательно серебристого цвета формой как в приложенных изображениях. Заказчик прислал это видео как…
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3d Texturing And Rigging
I have 3D of models of dragons which I need to be rigged for animation. I have 2 models that need to be rigged, and one model that has to be textured and rigged. I'm attaching the images so you can have a better look. Need the final file in .blend, if possible. Thanks
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