
App Update
I have an app written in X Code that I need checked for bugs and updated. It is on android and apple stores
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Xcode Programming Coding And For 2 People With Different Code
Briefing: 1. You are to download the starter project (Shopping Task) from Moodle. 2. The project is designed to apply offers to a shopping list. Classes for the existing application have been created, but methods need to be modified. 3. Each offer has its own class, which implement (either directly or indirectly) the 'Offer' protocol. The base Offer protocol, and derived protocols can be found in the Offer.swift file. The protocols are documented, and you are advised to familiarise yourself…
Full Description of Xcode programming coding and for 2 people with…
X Code Programming, 2 Sets Of Different Codes (no Plagiarism)
Complete the development of an iPhone application that will keep track of, and calculate scores for, a men’s singles tennis match (i.e., maximum of 5 sets in the match). For the avoidance of doubt, the scoring system in use at the Wimbledon championships – whereby, in the fifth set of a match, a tiebreak is only played if the score reaches 12-12, should be used. Player 1 will serve first, and the user is simply required to select the winner…
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Swift Developer
I need someone who can work on my project for an ios ap with swift and code in xcode
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Mobile Swift/ios App Development Expert
Our team is looking for a Swift expert who has good experience with Blockchain development. - Blockchain experience: +4 years - Swift/iOS mobile app development: +6 years - Mobile wallet development experience - Full time work Please start your proposal with "iOS/Swift expert". If no, it will be ignored. Thanks.
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Ios App Game Unity
i need to devlope a game that continas character that jump on movable blocks to get the coins . In addition , the game color of blocks is change based on calibration color of user’s choose in settings . And the game is part of my application swift Xcode So I need to build the game using unity and move it to swift Xcode
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Ios App Game Unity -- 2
i need to devlope a game that continas character that jump on movable blocks to get the coins . In addition , the game color of blocks is change based on calibration color of user’s choose in settings . And the game is part of my application swift Xcode So I need to build the game using unity and move it to swift Xcode
Full Description of iOS App game unity -- 2
Publish Ios And Android App
I created app by react native for both android and ios, Now i want publish but haven’t account for both platforms. I need a account for both
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Api Code Editor
hi , im editing a code and i don't have enough knowledge to edit it , so im searching for someone who can do it for me
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Is There Any Senior React Native Developer?
Now I am looking for a talented and passionate React Native developer. Blockchain skill is a big plus. This is a long-term position and I only want to choose the right honest candidate. The developer should be familiar with building Android and iOS app on Android Studio or Xcode. Please bid only if you have active skill and I don't want agency, only individual developer is preferred. Before bidding please answer this question - "Which OS do you use for…
Full Description of Is there any Senior React Native developer?
Core Data App For Simple Multi-screen App
Must be coded in Swift and submitted in XML format The requirement of this project is to develop an iPhone CoreData App to drive a simple multi-screen app which will be provided to you on acceptance. The application should have at least two entities / tables for the items exposed. You have complete freedom to design the application, however the minimal requirements will be as follows: 1. Functionality to manage the list to include: add, delete and update items, transfer…
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I Want Webcam Macos Application
macOS Desktop application Step 1 ---> Opens Web Browser Step 2 ---> then goes to https:// www.skylinewebcams.com/ en/webcam/italia/liguria/ genova/boccadasse- genova.html Step 3 ---> then goes to Full Screen using Web Browser Step 4 ---> Keeps the browser running in Full screen and Show the Desktop in separate Layer in foreground
Full Description of I want webcam macOS application
Core Data App For Simple Multi-screen App -- 2
Must be completed within 5 days. Must be coded in Swift and submitted in XML format The requirement of this project is to develop an iPhone CoreData App to drive a simple multi-screen app which will be provided to you on acceptance. The application should have at least two entities / tables for the items exposed. You have complete freedom to design the application, however the minimal requirements will be as follows: 1. Functionality to manage the list to include:…
Full Description of Core Data App for simple Multi-Screen App --…
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