Tailwind CSS

Need A React.js And Graphql Expert.
I need a simple project with React.js and GraphQL. This is a test project and there will be more further projects if you pass this test. On the main screen, display an input where the user should enter the name of the country. When entering the country after receiving the first two letters, display hints in the form of a list of the corresponding countries under the input. If the user clicks on the hint, a list with the following…
Full Description of Need a React.js and GraphQL expert.
Arabic Speaker-senior Front End Developer
Looking for Senior Experienced Front End Developer in React.JS and LeafLet JS Experienced in NextJs Experienced in using Typescript and tailwind CSS Experienced in handling maps integrations Good experience in GIS layers overlay using ReactJS Collaborate with backend engineer You must have more than 3 years of ReactJS experience You must be graduated from computer science college
Full Description of Arabic Speaker-Senior Front End Developer
Need A Professional Developer.
This is a simple test. You will be added to our team if you pass in one hour. On the main screen, display an input where the user should enter the name of the country. When entering the country after receiving the first two letters, display hints in the form of a list of the corresponding countries under the input. If the user clicks on the hint, a list with the following information should be displayed under the input: …
Full Description of Need a professional developer.
Figma Saas App To Tailwindcss Vuejs (pixel Perfect)
Looking for an experienced FED engineer to convert Figma designs into VueJS & tailwinds CSS UIs. What I need to receive: - 100% Hand-coded, pixel-perfect VueJS, Tailwind code - CSS pre-processor [SCSS] Support (Let me know if you want This support) - Cross-Browser Compatible! (Firefox,IE9+, Chrome, Safari, Opera) - W3C validated code - Google fonts included - SEO optimized code - Fresh, Clean And well-Commented Hand code
Full Description of Figma SaaS app to TailwindCSS VueJS (PIXEL PERFECT)
Figma To Responsive Html/css Including Tablet & Mobile Version
We are looking for experienced freelancer with proven background to convert the Figma project for web site with tablet & mobile version (~11 pages for each version) to HTML/CSS. You have to attach one or more previous resposive web design projects. I will check it carefully and send the Figma link to the selected applicants. Thanks.
Full Description of Figma to responsive HTML/CSS including tablet & mobile…
Local Social Media App -- 2
Looking for ptogrammers who are well experienced in the following Laravel 8 VUE3 Tailwind CSS MySQL Please read the enclosed document to learn about the details of this project. This is phase I of an ongoing project. Sequential phases will be awarded separately but will consider awarding them to the same team if result are satisfactory and meet our needs. The site needs to be SEO friendly.
Full Description of Local Social Media App -- 2
React + Tailwind Css / Tailwind Ui Developer Needed
I need an experienced React developer with experience in Tailwind CSS or Tailwind UI for an e-commerce website. The backend is already ready, this just includes the frontend work following good practices (reusable and atomic components, form validations, clear alerts, etc). The project's code is in English, but the site will be in Spanish, so native speakers are a nice to have
Full Description of React + Tailwind CSS / Tailwind UI Developer…
Front End Component For Workflow System
We are seeing a front end component to allow a user to view and edit workflows. The component is to be used in a system built using Vue JS. The new component must need not be written in Vue, but must be compatible with it. Tailwind CSS is being used as the CSS framework. This component will have the following functions: (a) To draw a workflow chart in accordance with the specifications outlined in this document based on a set…
Full Description of Front end component for workflow system
Need A Skilled Developer With Over 7 Years Of Experience.
Need a skilled developer with over 7 years of experience. It is a test project. You will be added to my team if you passed. Of course, I will pay for the test. On the main screen, display an input where the user should enter the name of the country. When entering the country after receiving the first two letters, display hints in the form of a list of the corresponding countries under the input. If the user clicks on…
Full Description of Need a skilled developer with over 7 years…
Figma To Html/tailwindcss With Minimal Js
Need a simple Figma to HTML conversion, you should use TailwindCSS to get it done, to make it fully responsive and easier to work with in the future. It's a very simple design that requires minimal JS. Some of the "features" that need to be added: 1. Hooks with Scroll to content for menu 2. Tabs in Features (just make the tabs and load different static dummy data) 3. Tabs in Plans for Monthly/Yearly switch with price updated accordingly. 4.…
Full Description of Figma to HTML/TailwindCSS with minimal JS
Solitaire Game: Laravel 8 For Backend, Vuejs3 For Front-end, And Tailwind Css 2 For Styling
Hello, please take a look at: www.247solitaire.com. I would like a clon.e of that page please. A fully working and responsive game of Solitaire. Here are my requirements. I would like the game written in Laravel 8 for backend and Vuejs3 for front-end. In addition, I would like you to use Tailwind CSS 2 for styling. For animations, I would like you to use the GSAP JavaScript library. I will supply the card graphics. One last thing, please do not…
Full Description of Solitaire Game: Laravel 8 for backend, Vuejs3 for…
Lamp Full Stack Developer
Good day everyone, We are in need of an experienced(Minimum 1-year experience) LAMP full stack Developer to work with us on a full-time basis. This is an ongoing role so if your performance is good we will keep you for long. To Apply, Please share 3 websites that you have build and are proud of along with a quick intro "About me". To make sure you read everything, Please mention "Buzinga" in your proposal. Looking forward to hearing from you!…
Full Description of LAMP full stack Developer
Now: Front-end Modifications For Tailwindcss Based Project
Hello, I'm looking for a front-end developer who can assist with modifications on the front-end. Shouldn't last longer then 1-2 hours. (Html & Tailwindcss only, maybe a few lines of js) Bonus if you have experience with Lottie.
Full Description of Now: Front-end modifications for TailwindCSS based project
React.js Expert Needed -- 2
Looking for a fast and talented react developer for a project. You will be given a trial task and work with me long term after that. Will hire ASAP
Full Description of React.js expert needed -- 2
Need A React Developer, Long-term!
This is a test project. If you pass, you will be added to our team. On the main screen, display an input where the user should enter the name of the country. When entering the country after receiving the first two letters, display hints in the form of a list of the corresponding countries under the input. If the user clicks on the hint, a list with the following information should be displayed under the input:  Name of the…
Full Description of Need a React Developer, Long-term!
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