Apply Ssl Certificate To Kubernetes Cluster On Google Cloud Platform
We have a web application deployed on a Kubernetes Cluster on GCP. We need to do the following: 1. Create a load balancer for external HTTP(s) traffic. 2. Apply Google Managed SSL Certificate to the load balancer. 3. test accessing the web app make sure it is still working as expected. This project will be a consultancy via a screen share and no credentials will be shared.
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Make Requests In Ssl With Java 7
We need to make GET/POST requests in Java 7 (including multipart requests) to an SSL endpoint. Standard URLConnections in Java don't work ("connection reset" / "handshake failure" exceptions are thrown). Nevertheless we know that third pary apis that are Java 7 compatible manage requests in SSL (like Google Drive API for example). The requirement is a simple API to handle GET/POST requests that work both in http and https.
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Nopcommerce Expert Needed For Small Fix
We are using external authentication plugin for Facebook & Google oAuth on our Nopcommerce site on Linux hosting. When user click login using Google then it is getting Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch It is related to SSL Certification incorrectly configured on our hosting server, you need to fix that, all external authentication should work, ie FB & Google oAuth. Nopcommer 4.4 Website Login Hosting- Linux
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Looking For Expert Of Windows Azure
【 Overview 】 We are looking for an engineer who can help you migrate your server (Windows) environment to Windows Azure. [Request details] [Staging environment] 1: Setting up Pipeline from Azure Devops to App Service (WebApp) 2: Setting up Pipeline from Azure Devops to App Service (WebAPI) 3: Setting up Pipeline from Azure Devops to App Service (WebJob) 4: SQL Database settings [Product environment] WebApp: 1: SSL certificate setting 2: DNS settings 3: Swap from staging environment * Setting parameters…
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Remote Configuration Openssh
Hi all I need 1hr of remote/online consultant to configure OpenSSH on Windows Server 2019. Windows is installed. OpenSSH is installed. We can work using AnyDesk connection. The goal is - check OpenSSH standard installation - configure certificates (public and private) - manage security topics (due to your experieces)
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Connect Using Two Way Ssl (ssl Hand Shake)
I hace a php laravel platform and i want to connected to a bank service but it requires a two way ssl connection and we want to do that
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How To Update The Domain On Godaddy With Ssl
Hello. Everyone I am not sure how to make my domain ssl on godaddy. I bought domain and ssl but still it is not working properly. Only experienced expert send me the bid. This is really urgent task. need to be done in 15 minutes. If you have no confidence, don't waste my time. Thanks.
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Implement An Ssl Certificate Today
I need an SSL certificate implemented into one of my domains today. Also some bug fixing if availability allows.
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Elasticsearch Search Guard Ssl Error In Google Kubernetes Engine(gke)
I have few pods elastic search, auth server which communicates with each other. I have updated the image path in those pods lately and since then my auth server unable to connect to elastic search and it is giving the error "SearchGuardSSLNettyTransport:97 - [Victor Strange] SSL Problem General SSLEngine problem" and also I can see from the logs that "Search Guard 2 plugin not available". I am looking for someone who has experience working on Elasticsearch search guard and Google…
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Ssl Certificate Installation On Aws Hosted Domain
We need someone with knowledge in SSL certificate installation and AWS, to install an SSL certificate on a domain hosted on AWS.
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