ES8 Javascript

Connect Ib Columbo Fingerprint To Website Js
I need help to connect my IB Columbo Fingerprint Scanner device to a website, so users can put their fingers on the device and scan, then it will show up on the website directly
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Problème Session Expiré
je travaille sur un site web en tant que visiteur et cette site a un problème le session expiré chaque 15 min en plus de ca le blocage compte apres 5 tentative de connexion sure le compte
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Java Play Frame Work
1. Performing validation tests to check flexibility and scalability for the existing application. 2. Tune the existing system thus making it scalable and concurrent. 3. Conduct various tests to outweigh the performance of the application. 4. Tune Akka Servers for best performance interms of concurrency, scalability and for resilence.
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Ajax Get Call With Fetch Api For Binary Files
I need a demonstration web page with a 'Download' button. Pressing this button should trigger a JavaScript routine that allows the download of a sample binary file via Fetch API. This should be an AJAX GET call, which should happen without page refresh. This application should work for any binary files. The application should work on an Apache server without Node.js or jQuery. The sample binary can be placed in the same directory as the web page.
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Junior Angular Developer Needed
I need Angular developer for the project. Rate is based on performance. Preferably from Ukraine.
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Sketchfab Configurator
We need to cautomize the Sketchfab Configurator for a furniture company.
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