
Two-page Dashboard Using Reactjs (only Frontend Development Is Required)
A simple 2 page dashboard / cockpit web application is to be prepared. The layout has been defined and the wireframe is ready. The freelancer is required to prepare the user interface using Metronic 8 React JS (Keenthemes) theme. ****** PLEASE READ, BEFORE BIDDING. In addition, check the files attached. The full scope is there. ****** The quality of the user interface is a must. We shall not discuss on basic frontend topics like grid layout, margins, color scheme, alignments,…
Full Description of Two-Page Dashboard using ReactJS (only frontend development is…
Looking For Amchart Developer With Vue.js Experience.
Looking for AmChart developer to populate JSON data on the interface. It's kinda POC so shouldn't take much money. I will share the details with a right candidate.
Full Description of Looking for AmChart developer with Vue.js experience.
Chart Js With Data From Db (read Details)
I need this in the next 5 hours I need to graph data from mysql db using chartjs library i need 2 graph doughnut chart this is an urgent taks please dont not bid if you wont be able to submit in the next few hours
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Need To Call And Api With Core
Need a small project with the API call and the data to display on webpage with chart.js using core.
Full Description of Need to Call and API with ASP.NET core
Application Add-on (read Before Bidding)
Im a Sofware Engineer working on a application but i dont have the time to complete. I need this complted in the next 9 hours. Background - This is a project for a development cycle. For instance when an order is received there is a receive, processing and a shipping stages. We need to keep track of all the records someone work on and generate a log for every 2 weeks. I have a stat graphs for all the users…
Full Description of Application add-on (read before bidding)
App Feature
Im a Sofware Engineer working on a application but i dont have the time to complete. I need this complted in the next 9 hours. Background - This is a project for a development cycle. For instance when an order is received there is a receive, processing and a shipping stages. We need to keep track of all the records someone work on and generate a log for every 2 weeks. I have a stat graphs for all the users…
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Digitize Graphs/plots And Convert To Chart.js
Hi freelancers I have18 graphs that needs to be digitize (Using one of the plot degitizer software) and convert to chart.js html. I need it ultra accurate so if you don't have experience with it , please save my time . Thanks
Full Description of Digitize graphs/plots and convert to chart.js
Write Javascript Live Us Map
We need a developer to quickly build a Javascript browser based Map of the US that can display dynamic latitude, longitude coordinates. We would suggest a library like chartjs geo, but are potentially open to other options. This needs to be lightweight, and delivered to us ASAP. 1 day turn time. We are expecting this to cost ~$300 Requirements: - Runs in the browser - Has a function AddPoint(lat, lon) that adds points to the map at that location -…
Full Description of Write Javascript Live US Map
Build Adjustable Graph For Wix Webpage
I need to build graph, which can be easily updated on webpage. It should have similar functionalities like this one: Might be using chart.js or Crutial is to have ability to easily add datapoints. Will be living on this page:
Full Description of Build adjustable graph for Wix webpage
Create Dynamic Gravity Forms Submission Report
I want you to get the data from Gravity Forms surveys and show them on charts. Preferrably Chart.js. We need to be able to filter through User Meta (For example: only show results with Users in age 15 - 20, or only show users that have a post code of 4100). Can provide examples.
Full Description of Create dynamic Gravity Forms Submission Report
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