Translate C++ To Mips Assembly (asm File)
I have a simple project needs to write code in MIPS. I've already done the C++ part. The only thing I need to do is convert from C++ to MIPS run on MARS Simulator. Let me know if you guys interested
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Mario Kart Super Circuit Hacking -- 2
So I’m a big fan of MKSC, yet the game feel so unchallenging because of Easy AI. So this is something I would like done I would like all AI to be set on the highest difficulty possible. I would like the HUD to be edited where you see the placement of all eight characters at one like the beta(I can show a pic if needed) this I would like all in one patch if possible Below is a different…
Full Description of Mario Kart Super Circuit Hacking -- 2
Mario Kart Super Circuit Track Editior And Increasing Difficulty
So I’m a big fan of MKSC, yet the game feel so unchallenging because of Easy AI. So this is something I would like done I would like all AI to be set on the highest difficulty possible. I would like the HUD to be edited where you see the placement of all eight characters at one like the beta(I can show a pic if needed) this I would like all in one patch if possible Below is a different…
Full Description of Mario Kart Super Circuit Track Editior and Increasing…
Porting An Existing Video Games Into Atari Lynx
Hi, We are seeking that have to skills to port existing video games into the Atari Lynx platform. The most common language is either C or ASM. It has to be a compiler for the 6502 CPU. Change the GFX to fit to Atari Lynx specs of 160x102x16. Previous experience in porting video games including coding, graphics and sounds are desirable. We are aware that these skills are rare due to the age IT requirements. Thank you. Kind regards Thomas
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Translate File Into Java Bytecode Using Asm Framework
I need a developer who can work with manipulating Java Bytecode using the ASM framework. You will be given a file from another language to translate into Java Bytecode using ASM 5.0. You need to know more than just the basics as the file contains both methods and loops.
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Compiler Project Java Bytecode
I need a developer who can work with manipulating Java Bytecode using the ASM framework. You will be given a file from another language to translate into Java Bytecode using ASM 5.0. You need to know more than just the basics as the file contains both methods and loops.
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Criar Uma Calculadora Em .asm
Gostaria de saber quanto custa fazer uma calculadora simples que faça quatro operações (*,+,-,/) até número 255 através de um PIC e simulação no Proteus e código comentado. Quanto? Qual tempo de espera? Uma calculadora simples, o microcontrolador pode ser qualquer pic. // I would like to know how much it costs to make a simple calculator that does four operations (*,+,-,/) with a PIC and simulation in proteus and commented code. How much? What wait time? A simple calculator,…
Full Description of criar uma calculadora em .asm
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