Build Me A Online Marketplace For Electronics And Cell Phones

$ 10,000.00 — 20,000.00 USD
I need a new website.
I need you to design and build it.
I need a new website.
I need you to design and build it immediately I need serious people only please who have good work SEND YOUR BEST WORK ONLY Electronics, mobile marketplace needed PLEASE SEND YOUR BEST WORK ONLY I need a new website.
I need you to design and build it.
Develop and design a online marketplace for electronics I need a IOS app, android version and web version my competition: and Must be built on react, node js If your work is bad, no offense but please don't bid l like to start a site like which is basically an online marketplace except for strictly electronic devices.
Customers are able to sell and buy electronics, such as iPhones, smartphones, iPods and iPads The website and mobile app would need: Authorization.
Shoppers must sign up and provide their name and email address to be able to make purchases.
Sellers need to register so they can list items for sale, set prices, and so on.
Inventory management allows sellers to add, view, publish, and edit products on the marketplace as well as track product status effortlessly.
An admin panel allows an admin to manage products on the marketplace and moderate auctions, users, bids, and website content.
Order management enables sellers to process orders received from the marketplace.
Product search allows shoppers to easily find items by price, location, size, and other criteria.
The product view allows buyers to make sure that an item meets all their requirements before buying it.
A shopping cart allows shoppers to select multiple items from different sellers and pay for all of them at once.
A chat feature allows shoppers to discuss details with sellers with a comment section on the active sales page.
A payment feature allows buyers to pay for their purchases using various payment methods such as credit/debit cards or PayPal.
Payout functionality is also needed so sellers can withdraw their money from the system.
Rate sellers, let shoppers express their views on products, allowing other shoppers to be confident in the quality of goods.
Analytics enables sellers to see the whole picture of their online business and allows them to see their items, profile and their items for sale.
We want a much more user-friendly user experience, UI and UX design like but at the same time as inexpensive as possible please even if we-needed to go the MVP route NO php or Wordpress please! i need a custom back end admin I'm trying to build it on node and react, express I need for it to look real nice Please only people who do good websites only! If you don’t know how to do a good websites please dont bother to send me messages Must look modern and clean and new Please serious people only

I need serious people only!

Must look clean

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