Vietnamese Freelancer And Project Manager For Recording Project (North Accent Only)

$ 50,000.00 USD
Question 1: Who are we?

We are one of the leading artificial intelligence data service providers in China.
We are committed to assisting companies to accelerate their AI initiatives by providing different types of data services mainly in the fields of natural language processing (NLP).

Question 2: What is the task?

a)Download the App and login with the account we provide
b)Obtain your task in App.
c)The task contains 1000 key words total.
d)Make one Sentence by each key word.
e)Say those sentences and record them by the App.
f)It may cost you about 120min – 150min to finish the task

Question 3: What is the purpose of the task?

The recordings are for AI Training.

Question 4: Who can join us?

Make sure that you meet all requirements below, otherwise you won’t get payment even if you finish the

a)Use Vietnamese as first language (Vietnamese learner are excluded)
North accent (especially for Hanoi Accent)
You did not record for this project before (Each One only can finish the task once.

Question 5: What are the requirements for your recordings?
Each recording should meet all the requirements below, otherwise it will be disqualified.
a)Each account can only be used by one freelancer.
b)The length of each recording must between 3s-10s
c)The length of your speaking in each record should between 2s-8s
d)No bad words in your recording (racism, discrimination, offensive language .etc.)
e)No obvious noise in your recording.
It requires you record in an absolutely environment.
f)Record at moderate volume.
The distance between your mouth and the mic should be 15-20cm.
g)You can’t not use headphone
h)Do not record when your phone is charging.
It may cause electronic noise
I) Speak as chatting with your friend in daily life.
Do not speak as public speech.

Question 6: How do upload the task?
It will be automatically update when the phone connects the internet.

Question 7: Are there other tasks after record?

After you finish the recordings, you could work with us as the following rule.
You could contact us if you are interested in those two job positions.

Job position1: Project manager (responsible for the recruitment of freelancers to record)
Job position2 :Annotator (responsible for annotating the recordings)

You could contact us if you are interested in those two job positions.

Question 8: What is your payment
Your Final Payment=Effective Hour*20USD
The longer qualified recordings you make, the more payment you will get.

Question 9: What is Effective Hour ?
All of recordings will be annotated.
The final length of your recordings we call it “Effective Hour”.
It depends on how long your recordings can be successful annotated.
The following cases will not be counted as “Effective Hour”.
a)Disqualified recordings (noise, bad words, accent problems, voice problems.)
b)The blank time at beginning and the end

Question 10: When could you get the payment?
a)The first milestone
You could get 10USD after you finish 1000-sentence-recording. (1-2days)

The second milestone
You could get the remaining payment after your recordings are all annotated.(5-7 days)

Question 11: How to process?

See the picture below

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