Punjabi Translator

Marketing Head
The job is incentive based. You will have to deal with celebrities and leads are limited so you should be confident that you can deal with them. For experienced people only.
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Tamil And Punjabi Translator Needed
Hello, I am looking a Tamil and Punjabi Translator for a bulk project. only native Translator needed.
Full Description of Tamil and Punjabi Translator needed
Indian Punjabi To English Translation -- 2
Looking for a native Indian Punjabi speaker to translate Punjabi documents into English. Files will be shared with the selected freelancer.
Full Description of Indian Punjabi to English Translation -- 2
Audio Data Collection
The prospect is looking for 3000 hrs of audio data in various Indian Languages Equal split in the given languages- Hindi, Punjabi, Gujarati, Marathi, English. They will add more languages in future
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Taran’s Wedding - E Digital Card
Requirements: - music playing in the background (if possible, the song to be Veer Ji Viyohan by Jassi Siddhu) The following details for the first slide: 1. Place Sikh Symbol containing the following title - Lakh Khushian patshahian je satgur nadar kare Second slide 1. Insert title - Mr Jasvinder Singh Basra & Mrs Charanjit Kaur Basra request the pleasure of your presence at the marriage of their son. Third slide Insert titles Tarandeep Singh Basra with Avneet Kaur Bajwa…
Full Description of Taran’s Wedding - e digital card
Write Punjabi Transcripts From Audio File In Punjabi
Write transcripts of Punjabi audio files. The transcription can be written in English language (punjabi words, no need of translation from punjabi to English). Have multiple audio files to work on.
Full Description of Write Punjabi transcripts from Audio file in Punjabi
Need Teachers For Proofread Punjabi Translated Solutions
The teacher must be from India and must have a strong command of the Punjabi language and a particular subject. The rate for proofreading is 3rs per solution. The sample Solution is attached.
Full Description of Need Teachers for proofread Punjabi translated Solutions
Need A Experienced Bengali And Punjabi Transcriber(urgent)
Hello everyone... I’m looking for Bengali and Punjabi transcribers. The pay would be 1400 rupees per audio hour. I want people who have - good internet - own PC - willing to work for 5-6 hours per day - good commitment towards work required . Only serious candidates bid for job. Also, Only person to bid in Previous experience in LOFT 2.0 tool.
Full Description of Need a Experienced Bengali and Punjabi Transcriber(Urgent)
Need Teachers For Proofread Punjabi Translated Solutions -- 2
The teacher must be from India and must have a strong command of the Punjabi language and a particular subject. The rate for proofreading is 3rs per solution. The sample Solution is attached.
Full Description of Need Teachers for proofread Punjabi translated Solutions --…
Teach Hindi / Urdu / Punjabi
Business person seeking to learn Hindi / Urdu / Punjabi for business expansion activities in South Asia.
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Looking For English To Punjabi Writers.
Hello! Looking for Punjabi writers who are good in understanding English. There will be a script provided in English you need to translate into Punjabi. Eg- How are you? Tusi kive ho? This type of Punjabi is required not gurmukhi font. People who have laptop or pc can only work. Even looking for Marathi writers who can translate Marathi episodes into English. All these are long term project. People with laptop or pc can work.
Full Description of Looking for English to Punjabi writers.
Punjabi Voice Translator -- 2
HI I have a 12 minute audio file in Punjabi that I want to translate to English, I am interested to understand what is said behind the noise , I prefer to interact with the translator verbally to get the essence of the conversation, let me know the price and the technical details Thanks
Full Description of Punjabi voice translator -- 2
Transcription And Translation Of Punjabi Audio Files -- 2
I want to do both transcription (in punjabi font) and translation (punjabi to english) of audio files. Audios are telephonic conversation totaling around 100-120 hours. Audio files are mostly clear. Budget is capped at CAD 1 per minute including translation.
Full Description of Transcription and Translation of punjabi audio files --…
Punjabi, Gujarati, Marathi Skilled Writers.
Long term projects. Need to translate marathi into english (Episoded) Gujarati into english (Episodes) English to Punjabi( scripts) We need english typing punjabi not gurmukhi font. People with laptop or pc only they can work. Work cannot be done on cell phone. The one who are freelancer only contact. Please do not waste time if not genuine.
Full Description of Punjabi, Gujarati, Marathi skilled writers.
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