Catalan Translator

Ankara Translator
URGENT! We are looking for native speakers for our project translations. Requirements: - any source language; - Turkey native language This job is already available.
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Calarasi Translator
We are required to translate 20-30 images of English words to calarasi languages someone is required to assist in translating to his native language, Agencies are not allowed to bid
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Andorra La Vella Convention
URGENT! We are looking for Andorra la Vella native speakers for our project translations. Requirements: - any source language; - Andorra la Vella native language This job is already available.
Full Description of Andorra la Vella Convention
Spanish Convention
URGENT! We are looking for Spanish native speakers for our project translations. Requirements: - any source language; - Spanish native language This job is already available.
Full Description of Spanish Convention
Bilecik Translators
URGENT! We are looking for native Turkish speakers for our project translations. Requirements: - any source language; - Turkey native language This job is already available.
Full Description of Bilecik translators
Andorran Catalan Convention
This is for native speakers ONLY! We have urgent projects available for the translators and proofreaders of the above languages. Legal or technical background / translation expertise is a plus. Short sample will be required. No machine translation allowed - this will be strictly enforced; no payment will be made in case of violation. No agencies, teams and similar arrangements. Please apply only if you are able to work on the project personally. No non-native speakers please - do not…
Full Description of Andorran Catalan Convention
Catalan Spanish Convention
This is for native speakers of the language Catalan Spanish ONLY! We have urgent projects available for the translators and proofreaders of the above languages. Legal or technical background / translation expertise is a plus. Short sample will be required. No machine translation allowed - this will be strictly enforced; no payment will be made in case of violation. No agencies, teams and similar arrangements. Please apply only if you are able to work on the project personally. No non-native…
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Madrid Convention
We need someone that can translate and proofread words from english to Madrid
Full Description of Madrid convention
Spanish Convention
We need someone who can translate content from English to Spanish as well as write fresh articles in Spanish. New Freelancers are allowed to bid also.
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Catalan Content Writers
We need native a speaker of the above languages , one should be able to translate from English to their Catalonian languages perfectly and can write fast. new Freelancers are allowed to bid ..
Full Description of Catalan Content writers
Catalan Spanish Translation
This is for native speakers of the language Catalan Spanish ONLY! We have urgent projects available for the translators and proofreaders of the above languages. Legal or technical background / translation expertise is a plus. Short sample will be required. No machine translation allowed - this will be strictly enforced; no payment will be made in case of violation. No agencies, teams and similar arrangements. Please apply only if you are able to work on the project personally. No non-native…
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Scandinavian Translators
Vi er pålagt å oversette 20-30 bilder av engelske ord til norske språk noen er pålagt å hjelpe til med å oversette til morsmålet sitt, byråer har ikke lov til å by
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San Jośe Copying Words
Estamos obligados a traducir de 20 a 30 imágenes de palabras en inglés a idiomas calarasi. Se requiere que alguien ayude a traducir a su idioma nativo. Las agencias no pueden hacer ofertas.
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Multiple Languages
Hello there,I want some documents to be translated to multiple languages.i need freelancers to handle this task
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