Romance Contemporary EBooks For Kindle

$ 250.00 — 750.00 CAD
Looking to hire a ghost writer for a romance novel eBook for kindle. Looking for a long term business relationship if this works out.


Thanks for taking a look at our job posting.
I’m hoping we can work together to create some exciting contemporary romance.

We publish romance novels and our books are sexy, fun, contemporary, suspense, emotional and engaging.

We write in three book series.
Each book will be a stand-alone but the books will be interconnected.
If the series is successful, we may write more books in the series.

We’re looking for long-term, experienced ghostwriters who are creative storytellers and enjoy the collaborative process.
No divas and no drama.
We save it for the books. :) lol

We can provide as much work as you want, and we offer a complete editorial team to help with the process, from story ideas and plotting to the editing itself.

We produce trope-driven, contemporary romance.

Some samples of our writing style are included below.
Please read the attached file and make sure this is something you can write.


• Native English speaking, contemporary romance fiction writer.
• Able to complete 50k in three weeks with a weekly submission of 17k minimum.
If you are able to write more, then the opportunity for you to make more is available.
No old ideas and nothing shared with a previous client.
We only want original content, and will take legal action in these scenarios.
• Able to complete professional, chapter-by-chapter plot outlines.
We will provide the tropes.
• Accessible and communicative.
Don’t disappear on us; we’re a team here.
• A sense of humor along with a professional work ethic.
We like what we do, and we want to work with people who feel the same way.
• We don’t stop until a book is 110%.
If a second and third draft are required, we will expect it.
We do pay for this, though.
Usually we will pay for these drafts by the hour.
All rates are negotiable.
• A phone interview and signing a contract/NDA are required.
• Must be an experienced plotter.
We will provide the template.

At this time we don't pay more than $.02 per word.

NOTE: Please do this exactly as asked.

Please send us the first three chapters from your best contemporary romance.
If you don't send exactly that, we won’t consider you for this position.
Please start your proposal with the phrase “__2021_____” so it’s clear you read the entire post.

Thanks so much for your time in advance.
We look forward to hearing from you.

Tropes: cop, romance suspense, kids, big city, train station, school principal

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