Carpet Repair & Laying

Take Measurements & Draw Floor Diagram Of A House
We are looking for an individual with measuring experience to take accurate measurements for a vacant home and provide us with the dimensions, existing flooring materials/ slab type, and a drawing of the layout. This can be done either by hand or with a measuring app/ computer program. The allowed range of time for arrival on site is between 8am-8pm. Pay is a flat rate of $35 for the job, with a possible bonus for a clean diagram and measurements..…
Full Description of Take measurements & draw floor diagram of a…
Take Measurements & Draw Floor Diagram Of A House -- 4
We are looking for an individual with measuring experience to take accurate measurements for a vacant home and provide us with the dimensions, existing flooring materials/ slab type, and a drawing of the layout. This can be done either by hand or with a measuring app/ computer program. The allowed range of time for arrival on site is between 8am-8pm. Pay is a flat rate of $35 for the job, with a possible bonus for a clean diagram and measurements..…
Full Description of Take measurements & draw floor diagram of a…
Take Measurements & Draw Floor Diagram Of A House -- 3
We are looking for an individual with measuring experience to take accurate measurements for a vacant home and provide us with the dimensions, existing flooring materials/ slab type, and a drawing of the layout. This can be done either by hand or with a measuring app/ computer program. The allowed range of time for arrival on site is between 8am-8pm. Pay is a flat rate of $35 for the job, with a possible bonus for a clean diagram and measurements..…
Full Description of Take measurements & draw floor diagram of a…
Take Measurements & Draw Floor Diagram Of A House -- 2
We are looking for an individual with measuring experience to take accurate measurements for a vacant home and provide us with the dimensions, existing flooring materials/ slab type, and a drawing of the layout. This can be done either by hand or with a measuring app/ computer program. The allowed range of time for arrival on site is between 8am-8pm. Pay is a flat rate of $35 for the job, with a possible bonus for a clean diagram and measurements..…
Full Description of Take measurements & draw floor diagram of a…
Take Measurements & Draw Floor Diagram Of A House -- 2
We are looking for an individual with measuring experience to take accurate measurements for a vacant home and provide us with the dimensions, existing flooring materials/ slab type, and a drawing of the layout. This can be done either by hand or with a measuring app/ computer program. The allowed range of time for arrival on site is between 8am-8pm. Pay is a flat rate of $40 for the job, with a possible bonus for a clean diagram and measurements..…
Full Description of Take measurements & draw floor diagram of a…
Take Measurements & Draw Floor Diagram Of A House -- 5
We are looking for an individual with measuring experience to take accurate measurements for a vacant home and provide us with the dimensions, existing flooring materials/ slab type, and a drawing of the layout. This can be done either by hand or with a measuring app/ computer program. The allowed range of time for arrival on site is between 8am-8pm. Pay is a flat rate of $35 for the job, with a possible bonus for a clean diagram and measurements..…
Full Description of Take measurements & draw floor diagram of a…
Take Measurements & Draw Floor Diagram Of A House -- 7
We are looking for an individual with measuring experience to take accurate measurements for a vacant home and provide us with the dimensions, existing flooring materials/ slab type, and a drawing of the layout. This can be done either by hand or with a measuring app/ computer program. The allowed range of time for arrival on site is between 8am-8pm. Pay is a flat rate of $35 for the job, with a possible bonus for a clean diagram and measurements..…
Full Description of Take measurements & draw floor diagram of a…
Take Measurements & Draw Floor Diagram Of A House -- 6
We are looking for an individual with measuring experience to take accurate measurements for a vacant home and provide us with the dimensions, existing flooring materials/ slab type, and a drawing of the layout. This can be done either by hand or with a measuring app/ computer program. The allowed range of time for arrival on site is between 8am-8pm. Pay is a flat rate of $35 for the job, with a possible bonus for a clean diagram and measurements..…
Full Description of Take measurements & draw floor diagram of a…
Take Measurements & Draw Floor Diagram Of A House -- 8
We are looking for an individual with measuring experience to take accurate measurements for a vacant home and provide us with the dimensions, existing flooring materials/ slab type, and a drawing of the layout. This can be done either by hand or with a measuring app/ computer program. The allowed range of time for arrival on site is between 8am-8pm. Pay is a flat rate of $40 for the job, with a possible bonus for a clean diagram and measurements..…
Full Description of Take measurements & draw floor diagram of a…
Take Measurements & Draw Floor Diagram Of A House -- 10
We are looking for an individual with measuring experience to take accurate measurements for a vacant home and provide us with the dimensions, existing flooring materials/ slab type, and a drawing of the layout. This can be done either by hand or with a measuring app/ computer program. The allowed range of time for arrival on site is between 8am-8pm. Pay is a flat rate of $35 for the job, with a possible bonus for a clean diagram and measurements..…
Full Description of Take measurements & draw floor diagram of a…
Take Measurements & Draw Floor Diagram Of A House -- 9
We are looking for an individual with measuring experience to take accurate measurements for a vacant home and provide us with the dimensions, existing flooring materials/ slab type, and a drawing of the layout. This can be done either by hand or with a measuring app/ computer program. The allowed range of time for arrival on site is between 8am-8pm. Pay is a flat rate of $35 for the job, with a possible bonus for a clean diagram and measurements..…
Full Description of Take measurements & draw floor diagram of a…
Take Measurements & Draw Floor Diagram Of A House -- 99959
We are looking for an individual with measuring experience to take accurate measurements for a vacant home and provide us with the dimensions, existing flooring materials/ slab type, and a drawing of the layout. This can be done either by hand or with a measuring app/ computer program. The allowed range of time for arrival on site is between 8am-8pm. Pay is a flat rate of $35 for the job, with a possible bonus for a clean diagram and measurements..…
Full Description of Take measurements & draw floor diagram of a…
Take Measurements & Draw Floor Diagram Of A House -- 10156
We are looking for an individual with measuring experience to take accurate measurements for a vacant home and provide us with the dimensions, existing flooring materials/ slab type, and a drawing of the layout. This can be done either by hand or with a measuring app/ computer program. The allowed range of time for arrival on site is between 8am-8pm. Pay is a flat rate of $35 for the job, with a possible bonus for a clean diagram and measurements..…
Full Description of Take measurements & draw floor diagram of a…
Take Measurements & Draw Floor Diagram Of A House -- 11030
We are looking for an individual with measuring experience to take accurate measurements for a vacant home and provide us with the dimensions, existing flooring materials/ slab type, and a drawing of the layout. This can be done either by hand or with a measuring app/ computer program. The allowed range of time for arrival on site is between 8am-8pm. Pay is a flat rate of $35 for the job, with a possible bonus for a clean diagram and measurements..…
Full Description of Take measurements & draw floor diagram of a…
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