Design & Prepare IELTS Course Curriculum

₹ 1,500.00 — 12,500.00 INR
*Job Post - IELTS Course Design*

Dear Candidate,

I am looking for a professional and certified IELTS Examiner / Tutor to design & prepare the complete IELTS Training Content for students at my institute (Both General Training and Academic).

Detailed Work requirement:

Design and prepare detailed curriculum for IELTS training center considering a 36 hour class duration.

1) Day wise list of topics to be taught for 3 types of courses - Intermediate, upper intermediate and advanced.

Provide study material (Day wise study material with instructions for teachers, questions, answer key, elaboration of answer) covering all four modules LRWS

3) additional 50 hours worth of practice tests for LRWS (home work for students)

4) Reference for the additional resources, study material etc.

5) Prepare 3 Test Papers to assess the students' LRWS skills (at course start, in the middle of course and at the end of course)

Also I am looking for certified IELTS examiners / teachers to assess the writing and speaking task of my students and provide a feedback to improve.

If you feel you can do it and/or needs more clarity on the job, feel free to message me.

Please message me if you're available and interested.

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