Digital Design

Visual Representation (drawing)
I need a visual representation of skaters on an Ice rink pop up on a tennis court in a Beach Hotel.
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Filtros De Instagram
Necesito crear filtros los cuales se acerquen (aproximadamente) a los resultados de diferentes procedimientos de estética orofacial, para que aparte de embellecer a las clientes en sus historias, les de una idea muy general de como quedarían luego de algún procedimiento estético facial
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Seeking Digital Illustrator
I would like an illustration of a comic, the comic is 4 "blocks" with a quick turn around time for the illustration to be complete in 24 hours. thanks
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Need A Profile Picture
I Have A Profile Picture But I Would Like a New Design And Few Changes Added To It. Down Below Is The Image I Want Redesining
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Clothing Design
Thousand Thieves is an alternate Clothing Brand designed, made and owned in Australia. We are small Brand working hard to grow our name and share unique designs others wouldn’t dare put on display.
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Ar Filter Creation For Social Media
I'm looking for someone to create AR, 2D and 3D filters for social media platforms like FB, Insta, TikTok, Snapchat etc
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Create A Digital Magazine
Want to create a digital magazine which focuses on security stories. Such as military and non military escort services. Also digital security stories.
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Criar Um Website Para Minha Empresa
Queria um site, que fosse minimalista, impactante com toque artístico como referencia que vou enviar, de forma que uma pagina complete a outra, se complemente, a medida que vai descendo a pagina ela vais se transformando no próprio ambiente devera ter linguagem moderna e clara para o cliente, onde o TRANSPARECE ,profissionalismo ,competência (para o layout. Os textos desenvolveremos juntos.) O que eu quero no site? Home: Animada com um vídeo, trazendo um primeiro impacto no cliente. Quem somos: Algo…
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Digital Marketing Perumahan Grand Hutama Lumajang
Siapapun Anda yang berambisi meraih sukses & kaya dengan cara yang positif, yakni dengan menjadi Marketing Properti dan bersedia menerapkan 3 Faktor Sukses berikut untuk mewujudkan impiannya : 1. Pertama: Menjadi PEMBELAJAR 2. Kedua : Menjalankan STRATEGI SUKSES KAYA 3. Ketiga : Membangun NETWORKING yang luas dan bagus. Anda kami ajak untuk bergabung sebagai Marketing property freelance di Grand Hutama Lumajang dimana Anda dapat mewujudkan cita-cita dan masa depan Anda pada kehidupan yang lebih baik. Adapun Aktivitas Kita sebagai Member/marketing…
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Graphic Designer Needed
I'm looking for an experienced graphic designer who can arrange several images into one photo. Must have professional editing software and be experienced with editing. I've attached photos of the product below, this was my attempt at photographing and editing the product. I have also attached an example of what I like would like the photos to look like. Image criteria large image ( at least 1000 pixels) spaces in between each card photoshop cards into bedroom setting photoshop cards…
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Character Design -- 2
hello, we want lots of characters like this if design is good, i will ask a lot
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Realistic Drawing Of My Friend And I
The picture will include both of us, we are lovers. This is for our marriage, we will hang it up forever.
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Create Me A Very Good Nft For Me
Hey , i am a big NFT enthusiast i would like to have one.. can anyone get a good one for me? .. just send me some sample works you have done..and we'll talk thanks
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