Excel VBA

First Pass Nist Questions_06.29.21
I need to be able to expand the NIST Tab comment column. It's the first pass but I need to show a demo - we'll do refinements & updates later. Need to show that rough demo by Friday.
Full Description of First Pass NIST Questions_06.29.21
Write A Script To Send A Customized Email To 700+ Recipients.
With a google sheet containing Names, usernames, passwords, and emails, create a script that will send each recipient there own email with their own name in the greeting. The text should be the same for all recipients, except they will need their unique username and password.
Full Description of Write a script to send a customized email…
Criar Uma Planilha De Análise E Probabilidades.
Criar uma planilha de análise e probabilidades de ganhos de jogos de futebol. Para windows 7 ao mais recentes
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Web Pages To Excel - No Shell Neither Send Keys, Synchronous Steps
I offer 250 usd Summary 1. Read urls from a file, one for one 2. Load the url in google 3. The content of the page will be past to Excel, 4. Each past of the text of the pages are pasted at the botton of the sheet Get text of the webpage 5. Open excel 6. Open Google 7. Macro opens a text file 8. 9. Read a line of the file, each line is an url 10. Google…
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Build Me An Ms Access (postgresql) Database With Ui (or Alternatively Ms Excel As Ui).
Database for abattoir. I need a database to update and keep track of livestock purchases (Cattle, Sheep, Pigs). The database needs to take into consideration the different grades and confirmation of the animals. Based on this base purchase cost, the db also has to update the price list (selling prices) for various customers(aprox 6 different price lists) of the produced carcasses and different cuts (i.e. hindquarter, forequater, sides etc.) according to their grade and confirmation
Full Description of build me an MS Access (Postgresql) Database with…
Time Purchase
time between customer purchases is needed per email. The data will be shows as below as all emails and data are in a row. data: Date Amount Email 7/1/2019 80.70 email1 7/5/2019 132.50 email1 7/6/2019 46.75 email1 7/7/2019 32.30 email2 results in a new tab: 1) find all emails from sheet 1 and place it as below 2) calculate days between each purchase, example email1 had 3 purchases: email 1st to 2nd 2nd to 3rd 3rd to 4th 4th to…
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Datasheet Processing
I need to select data from name and paste it in transpose order in another sheet of my document. I import data with PoweQuery if you can automatize that part it would be great-
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Necesito Experto En Excel - Programación Vba Para Webscraping
El objetivo del proyecto es leer los datos de un excel y mediante webScraping a una pagina corporativa loguearse, ingresar los datos del excel y pegar los resultados de la web en excel. Tener en cuenta que el excel va a tener una lista de ordenes que van a tener que ingresarse una a una y pegar en cada una los resultados que dé la web. Debido a que la página solo funciona con VPN conectado a la empresa, se…
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Excel Program Developer
We would like to work with an excel expert to develop our spreadsheets to track the inventory, shipments, purchase orders and import/export of data files for the requirements. Must know how to use the functions, formulas, dropdown menus, Google sheet sharing, moving data from one tab to other one, reporting charts, etc...
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Criar Um Cadastro De Cliente Com Endereço De Entrega
Gostaria fazer um sistema em vba onde se cadastra o cliente e agenda uma entrega de produto. gera relatorio de entregas realizadas. no ncadastro do cliente tem seus endereços para enviar o produto. Basicamente seria uma floricultura com bastante entregas que gostaria de ter o historico de endereços de entyrega dos seus clientes.
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Ms Word Dokument Mit Ein Paar Zeilen Code Ergänzt Bzw. Vorhandenen Anpasst.
In einem Word Dokument sollten Textbausteine entsprechend einer Auswahl, bestehend aus mehrere Dropdowns, mit "Ja" oder "Nein" in den vorgegeben Text des Dokuments eingefügt werden. Wenn mehreren Dropdowns (z. B. drei) mit "Ja" bestätigt werden, erscheinen die Textbausteine untereinander. Wenn jetzt aber nur einer der Dropdowns bestätigt wird, sollte der Text idealerweise unter den ersten bzw. zeiten Absatz eingefügt werden. Mit der aktuellen Lösung macht er das nicht und wird immer nur da eingefügt wo er über die IF Bedingung…
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Excel Vba Task With Data Import
• Design and build simple custom/bespoke information systems using a tool such as MS Excel in combination with other tools such as SQL Lite • Select and apply a range of techniques in order to prepare data for analysis (data cleansing, import, data conversion, etc.) • Use sophisticated functions/features such as macros and Visual Basic for Applications in order to enhance applications you create • Select and apply a wide range of techniques in order to analyse a variety of…
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Excel: Filter List By Multiple Selectors
I have a list of 500+ items in Excel. I am looking for an easy Excel-based solution to regularly, repeatedly (i.e., not one-time) filter this list that meets two or more selectors (e.g, via a checkbox, or drop-down menu).
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